Page 18 of Rekindled Prophecy

Kael re-entered carrying a tray with three dessert bowls. “I hope it wasn’t my cooking that caused you distress.”Still playing the charmer!“Maureen, you did save enough room for my Seanmhair’s bread pudding, didn’tyou?”

Maureen kept casting glances between the two young people. She even winked a couple of times at Greylyn. “It is so refreshing to have a young man around who can cook such delectable dishes. Don’t you agree?”

Way to be subtle, Maureen.

As they ate, Greylyn attempted to steer the conversation to see if she could get some sort of intelligence about the wedding, and why Kael was really there. “What time will the bride and groom be arriving tomorrow, Maureen? I don’t want to infringe on wedding preparations. I’ll make myself scarce.”

“Oh, dear. You couldn’t possibly infringe on anything. Besides, all the arrangements have been made. Everything is set. The couple are coming up a day early to rest and relax for the big day.”

Kael stood up to clear the table, despite Maureen’s objections that it was her job after all. He insisted.

Good riddance!

His exit gave her the opening Greylyn needed to ask Maureen more specifics about the wedding. With a little wine in the innkeeper, she was quite talkative. Within a few minutes, she knew all sorts of minute details. Unfortunately, none that rung any alarm bells. The most concerning aspect, at least to Maureen, was the less-than-affable relationship between the groom’s divorced parents. But nothing sparked supernatural concern.

“Matthew insisted … those two aren’t allowed in the same room, especially with the new stepmom.” Shrugging, she added, “I got the feeling the couple preferred to elope just to avoid the potential family ruckus.”

Maureen’s words started to slur slightly, and her complexion glowed, sure signs she had imbibed a little too much. At least it made her talkative. “I can’t wait for you to meet the happy couple. They are so lovely.”

Giggling, she added, “They are smart. Insisted on privacy for their wedding night so no wedding guests will be staying here afterwards. Not so good for me. A booked inn is preferable, but I don’t blame them.” Greylyn did not blame the couple either.

The only issue with chatty Maureen was that she kept returning to the one topic she did not wish to discuss – Kael. She slightly stumbled over to the bar and picked up a folder, handing it to Greylyn.

“Kael showed me these pictures he’s taken the last couple of days. He’s even sketched out a brochure for the inn and says he will put it up on the internet for me. Isn’t that sweet?”

Greylyn flipped through the stack while listening to the continuous lauding of the numerous talents of the wickedly handsome gentleman in the kitchen. The images were spectacular. He captured the simple authentic beauty of the estate in every shot. She was on the verge of saying as much, but Kael returned to the room.

Refusing to look at him, she glanced down at the next picture in the folder. She almost cried out in shock. It was a photograph of her as she had been sitting on the veranda that afternoon, before catching sight of the shadow in the gazebo. Her hair had been blowing from the gentle breeze before the storm and partly covered her eyes.

“Sorry. I hope you don’t mind. Seeing such a beautiful woman so relaxed and at home in her surroundings was too great a temptation. I had to capture the moment.”

Maureen sighed heavily. “How sweet.”

“You were spying on me?” She fairly hissed at him.

It was enough to jolt Maureen out of her romantic daydreams. She stammered, “Greylyn, that’s just silly.”

Kael flashed a “Uh huh, I got you” smile. A moment later, he turned apologetic eyes towards Maureen before continuing. “No, really. I did not mean to intrude. I know better than to snap pictures of a subject without their consent. It’s just that it would have been a crime to let such a vision escape. If you wish, you can have the picture. Tear it up if you want.”

Maureen gasped. “Well, of course she won’t tear it up. It’s lovely.”

Oh, I am losing this battle.

Greylyn turned on a faux smile. The folder still clasped in her hand, she refused to release it back to Kael. Silently, she continued to peruse it.

Another picture of her. This time, she had been resting on the patio outside her suite that overlooked the koi pond. She was soaked, with her hair clinging to the sides of her face and her white t-shirt turned transparent.

“Couldn’t resist taking a picture of a woman in a wet t-shirt?”

His lips curled up along with his right eyebrow. Chuckling, “Like I said … lovely view.”

Her stomach curled into tight knots as blood thumped loudly in her ears from the rise in her blood pressure. She could hear Maureen in the background, barely audible, exclaiming how delightful the pictures were and how flattered Greylyn must feel.

She was not flattered. Far from it.

The remaining images were innocent ones of the grounds and the individual rooms.

Regardless, he had made himself crystal clear; he had her in his sights.