Page 29 of The Remake

He nodded but kept staring at me funny. “Um, you said something about calling for help earlier.”

He snapped his fingers, “Yes. I called a lumber company. They said they’re backed up, but they should be here by morning.”

“Morning!” I gasped.

“Yes. There are a lot of fallen trees, and some are on major roadways. We’re not exactly a priority right now.”

“But, but… aren’t you rich or something? Can’t you pay someone to come tow the tree away?”

“Yes, but they’d get blocked by the other fallen trees on the road trying to get to us. I’m sorry, Sweeney, but it looks like we’re going to be here for a while.”

I smacked my forehead and went in search of my purse. I found it where I’d left it in the hallway earlier.

“Where are you going?”

“I need to make a phone call.”

“To your husband?” asked Luke, his voice a little high-pitched.

“My what?” I said, coming back to the living room.

“You corrected Colton the other day when he called you ‘Miss’. So, I’m assuming you’re—”

“Independent? Not attached to any other person or inclined to disclose my marital status? Yes, that’s correct. My personal life is just that. My business. So, if you’ll excuse me. I have a personal call to make.”

I jogged back upstairs to the bathroom and closed the door. It wasn’t all that private of a conversation, but I didn’t want to give Luke the satisfaction of knowing that I was still single, not even close to being in a relationship. The only thing I snuggled up to at night was my laptop.

“Hi, Lorna. It’s me. How are you?”

“Fine, Grace. Is everything all right?”

“Not exactly. Can you spend the night at my place with my mother? I know it’s a lot to ask and I will pay you time and half, but I’m stuck in a cabin up north and I have no way of getting back home tonight.”

“Oh, my gosh. Are you all by yourself?”

“No. I’m here with Luke Crawford.”

“Luke Crawford. Do you mean one of the Crawford brothers? Wow, I didn’t know you two were dating.”

“We’re not. It’s a long story. Can you do it?”

“Yes, of course.”

I sighed with relief. “Thank you, Lorna. Can I speak to my mom?”

There was silence on the other end. “Hello? Lorna?”

“I’m here. I just checked her room and your mom is still sleeping.”

“It’s five-thirty.”

“She’s been resting since four. Should I wake her up?”

“No, that’s fine. Let her sleep. I’ll have to call the doctor and let him know that she’s been really tired lately.”

Lorna must have heard the stress in my voice. “Don’t worry, Grace. I’m here tonight. Try to relax.”

“I will. Thanks again.”