Tessa listened to the conversation but refused to acknowledge the man who hit her. Instead, her gaze rested onLexxa, and the disguise she wore. How she managed to infiltrate the compound she’d never know, but hope filled her spirit for the first time in months. She had a million questions, but they would have to wait. Aidan was alive and he was coming for her. That’s all that mattered.
Chapter 45
The driver parked outside a private hanger at Madrid-Barajas airport, the door opened, and he hurried inside where a personal jet waited. Several guards sat in the seats surrounding him, but he knew it would be like this. Marco had become increasingly paranoid over the last few years with numerous agencies on his trail.
Several times he caught them staring, their gazes roving over the black robe. He wanted to laugh. These were hardened criminals, and Father Denoro obviously walked hand in hand with them many times, so why the glances? He made the sign of the cross, and they returned it before dropping their faces. Alex chuckled to himself. Dumbasses.
Three hours later they landed on a small island’s private airstrip. He rubbed his rosary with two fingers, activating a second tracker placed inside the wood. Within an hour his team would arrive along with reinforcements from the Spanish government. They were highly cooperative and anxious to see Marco Dentzi extradited for attempted murder, kidnapping, arms dealing, drug trafficking, and numerous other crimes.
Once he disembarked from the jet, more guards patted him down then escorted him to a sports utility vehicle. Alex assessed everything from the distance to the shoreline, the access points for boats, the direction of the compound, and how many guards patrolled it.
It was an impressive security force, but no match for the small army headed their way. Marco Dentzi doomed himself by isolation. There was no way to escape. He counted two helicopters, both of which would be disabled before he even knew it. There were a few speedboats, but again, they would be apprehended or destroyed. No chance of escape would be left.
When they parked in front of a large home, he wrapped the rosary around his hand. It was time. With his first glimpse ofTessa’s bruised, swollen face, he tensed. It was the first time in his career he experienced difficulty hiding his hate for another man.
Tessa fidgeted beside Marco. She hated this man. If she could grab one of the guns off the guards, she’d kill him herself. How dumb to even consider he cared. What exactly did he hope to gain from a marriage? It had to be something big, something she didn’t know about, and something he’d purposely concealed in his little speech of honesty that day in his office. His small taste of cruelty lifted the blinders from her eyes.
Her swollen jaw ached, her bottom lip was huge, and her tongue sore where she’d bit it, but the scratches marring his perfect face gave her a little satisfaction. With any luck, they’d scar.
Numerous maids scurried around the patio preparing lunch, including Lexxa in her cheerful uniform and curly wig. Umbrellas shaded them from the morning heat, but soon they’d have to go inside. She was careful not to show recognition with Marco observing her every movement, and Lexxa never glanced her way.
Marco caressed her cheek when he first saw the damage he’d done, even acted apologetic, but she’d immediately jerked from his touch. A monster stood beside her with one hand on her back, fingers caressing and pressing into her lower spine. It was a show of dominance, control, and a silent warning.
She scanned the occupants of the vehicle as each one stepped into the bright sunshine. Three guards and a blond priest with a slight limp ascended the steps until they stood before her and Marco.
“Welcome Father Denoro,” Marco offered with a deceiving smile.
The priest bowed his curly, blond head. “BlessingsSenorMarco,” he answered, in a voice thick with a Spanish accent, but she knew that deep timbre. Her heartbeat raced in her chest.
Marco swept her before the man. “My bride, Tessa James.”
“God has surely heard your prayers,Senor.”
She wanted to jump into his arms, but only nodded. It hurt too bad to speak or attempt a smile anyway. His eyes briefly met hers, jaw ticking as they swept over her face, but he quickly smiled at Marco.
“Please join us for a light lunch, Father. We have much to discuss.”
“Of course,Senor. I must admit I was surprised with your summons.”
Marco only nodded and arranged a napkin on her lap. “I can do it myself, thank you,” she hissed, reaching for the napkin as he secured her wrist in his hand, and their eyes locked.
“Please excuse my fiancé. She is not from here and has a rather spirited countenance.”
“The ways between lovers are none of my concern,” the priest answered.
Tessa wanted to shout but held her tongue under Marco’s bruising hold on her wrist.
“Then you have no objection to our wish to marry.”
“No objections. I’m honored you would consider me to perform the ceremony.”
“Today,” Marco supplied, “We wish to marry today.”
“And you have a license?”
Marco nodded to one of his guards. “Yes. I obtained it a week ago.”