“Not until you tell me what’s wrong?”
“Just tired. That’s all. I apologize.”
She knew he didn’t believe her from his hesitation, but reluctantly let go. In record time, she dried, dressed, and bolted outside to the front porch.
In the daylight and fresh air, she found a moment to catch her breath. A porch swing invited her, but she chose to stroll around the property. A breathtaking view of the lake awaited her on the back porch, and that’s where she perched on cushioned lawn furniture to put her chaotic thoughts in order even as tears burned her eyes.
Chapter 29
He knew exactly what filled her complicated head, and it worried him. He couldn’t force her to stay, or continue the relationship, and he couldn’t make her believe he wanted more. It was his fault because he hadn’t told her anything that promised a future for them.
Aidan frowned at his reflection in the mirror while drying his body and jerking his clothes on. One of the things he loved about Tessa was how difficult she was to figure out, but the heat in her eyes told the truth. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. He accepted it, but she fought it. She fought it because everyone around her had hurt her in some way, and because he never offered anything permanent.
“Damn,” he muttered to himself.
After grabbing his keys, closing, and locking the door to the cabin, he strolled to the back of the property in search of the woman who drove him nuts in more ways than one. He found her on the back porch, curled in a chair, gazing at the lake. Early morning sunshine glittered on the water, and a slight breeze caused the trees to sway, but he was wholly focused on Tessa. Exquisite.
When she noticed him and barely smiled, his heart turned over in his chest. “May I join you?”
“Of course. It’s pretty here. Do you come often?”
A bit of the tenseness eased from his body. “Every chance I can sneak away, but it isn’t enough. I’d like to spend more time here.”
“Do you fish? Boat? Hike? I can’t picture you as the outdoorsman type. I only know Aidan Cross.”
Her laughter thawed whatever uneasiness was between them, and he slid into the chair beside her. “You’d be surprised to know I own several fishing poles, a boat, and wear flannel.”
One blonde eyebrow lifted on her lovely face. “You in flannel? Say it isn’t so.”
Aidan nodded, tossing one arm over the back of her chair. With his fingers, he swirled a lock of her hair. “I prefer this over the city any day.”
Her gaze returned to the lake. “There’s so much I don’t know about you.”
“Same, but I’d like to know more. Why don’t we spend the day together, instead of worrying about what might happen?”
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea. We’ve already broke barriers on several occasions. I think it’s best…”
He held up one hand to stop her because he knew where that sentence was headed, and it wasn’t happening. “I think we should renegotiate.”
Tessa chuckled but didn’t turn to him. “Ah, a renegotiation.”
“I propose we ditch the rules altogether and forget the FBI. I’d like to spend more time with you. I think this thing between us is something special, something we shouldn’t let go of so easy.”
“What about the case? My uncle? You know how ruthless he can be. I was taught business always comes first. Your job?”
“Let me worry about the case and the FBI. You though…there will never be another you.”
“You don’t mean that.” Tessa slowly pivoted to him with watery eyes. “I won’t let you do that.”
His face tilted. “The case is almost over as far as I know, and no one knows about us except a few coworkers. I’m not ready to let you go. Maybe not ever.”
Her shoulders slumped, but her gaze returned to the lake. He watched her, studied her, searching for any sign that she wanted this too. She bit her bottom lip so long, he thought she might decline. Was he wrong about what he saw? He didn’tblame her if she decided to call it quits. This life, his life, could be extremely stressful.
When a devious smirk lifted the corner of her mouth, he matched it with one of his own. “Oh, I love how your mind works.”
Aidan winked at the great love of his life, and the one person he’dneverlet go of. He would quit the FBI or take a desk job for her. She just didn’t know it yet. He’d let her figure it out on her own though. She’d spook if he told her this soon. “Truce? Forget the rules, and let what happens happen?” This was the only way she’d agree, so he held out his hand.
When her warm palm slid into his, he yanked her into his lap. Her laughter, her affection, and the way her slim arms slipped around his neck was something money could never buy.