Page 28 of Sinful Negotiations

He let the question hang in the air because she knew why. They’d kept things simple for a reason, but things between them were rapidly evolving.

“Are we staying here?”

Aidan slowly slid one hand along her thigh, pausing to caress her knee. “Yes, we are. All weekend.”

She laughed before pinching his nipple. “So, it’s like that? You bring me to your cabin in the woods to have your wicked way with me?”

“It’s like that is right,” he teased, and swung one leg over the seat to assist her off the motorcycle.”

“And miss this?” After removing her helmet, Tessa rubbed her bottom and stretched. Perfect, handful breasts lifted high beneath the thin dress shirt she wore, a tempting sight for hungry eyes. “My ass is numb.”

“I can take care of that,” he groaned, yanking her closer.

“I bet you can with those magic hands.”

Aidan chuckled and kissed her neck. “I’m the ass whisperer.”

Her husky laughter sent blood pooling to his cock. After riding for a couple hours with her plastered against him, and her hands touching erogenous areas, he wanted nothing more than to sink into her body but backed away still clutching her fingers. “Want to see inside?”

A gaze full of longing slid from the top of his head to his feet. “I want to see everything. Is it safe here?”

“Extremely safe and under constant surveillance. I’ll know if anything moves. It’s my personal safehouse when I’m not on a case.”

“Are there cameras inside as well?”

“Now there’s a thought, but no.”

“So, FBI Agent?


“How long?”

This wasn’t a conversation he wanted to have and not this soon. Tessa’s keen gaze and the arch of one eyebrow made him a little uncomfortable. The information wasn’t shared with manypeople for a reason. “If I answer some of your questions, you cannot share it with anyone. The more people know, the more I’m in danger. That includes your family as well.”

“You think I’d tell?”

“In my line of work people constantly make bad choices in the name of love and family.”

When she moved closer, he gazed at her perfection in the darkness. Tessa’s hold on his heart went deep, so he needed to be sure before he revealed anything else. When she rose on her tiptoes and lightly kissed his lips, he almost groaned.

“I would never endanger you, Aidan. My uncle is corrupt. I’ve warned him over and over throughout the years. I’ve expected this, dreaded the day it caught up to him, and did my best to remove myself from his business dealings and his life. Do I care about him and my aunt? Yes, I won’t lie. Would I sacrifice you for them? Absolutely not.”

“Twelve years undercover in narcotics division.”

“Oh my God, Aidan. How difficult and lonely for you.”

If he didn’t change the subject and quick, he would fuck her right here on the motorcycle or ground. Real emotion clogged his throat, and he didn’t know what to do with it. She sympathized, somehow understood this life, and offered comfort. He wanted to grasp it, cling to it, and never let it go, but knew this life was difficult for anyone attached to him. Tessa deserved better than a man who was never there.

When he backed away, disappointment filled her eyes and he hated himself for placing it there. She opened her mouth to speak, but he ran one hand through his hair, and tugged her along as a distraction. “The place is a bit rustic, but my sister and I keep it functional. More my sister than me.”

“You have a sister?”

“I have two.”

“Where are they? Do they live here in Kentucky?”

Aidan punched in the code on the keypad. “One lives in Washington. Her husband is in the Navy. The other lives in Somerset. She’s married with a couple kids.”