He’d kissed her outside that establishment, his mouth hovering above her lips, heat from his body warming hers. Fingers linked, they’d strolled to her restored car, and she’d pulled out only to park at the back of the lot.
Consumed with lust, she’d quickly straddled him as he cupped her ass with the same thought in mind. No words were needed. He’d ripped her shirt to get to her breasts, devouring her nipples until she’d squirmed on his lap. They rolled over the seat into the back where he ate her pussy until she’d come and fucked her breathless.
Late nights at work, conversations at the gym, humor, and undeniable attraction morphed into a hot mess.
Tessa twirled a pencil between her fingers while contemplating the situation. It was tricky being Aidan’s accountant and his lover. The affair posed a danger to the merger. If her uncle ever learned of the relationship, he’d cancel the entire thing for spite and make her life a living hell.
Cut, run, end the affair, and forget Aidan were her best options, but she couldn’t seem to make the break. The conversations ended in a kiss followed by sex, and stolen caresses wrecked her focus.
As a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), she had numerous job opportunities, but wasn’t sure where she wanted to work. As a niece, she didn’t want to hurt her uncle’s feelings, but was sick of his influence and controlling nature where her life was concerned. He’d raised her after her parents’ accident, butit became perfectly clear she was an asset once she reached maturity and nothing more. And her aunt didn’t seem to mind.
Because of them, she deliberately applied for several positions outside and far away from Lexington, Kentucky, and kept them in the dark regarding her work in Aidan’s office.
A few companies had shown interest, and she needed to select one, but hesitated because of one man even though that man pushed her buttons at every turn with his stoic demeanor and cold attitude. He’d cut her to the bone more than once with his sharp tongue and used that tongue to bring her multiple orgasms in private. She hated he could be so indifferent but admired him in the same breath.
She eagerly anticipated his presence, and their stolen moments together. She wanted him in her life more than the air she breathed, although they both decided from the beginning this wasn’t and never would be a permanent relationship.
They negotiated a verbal contract with the dos and don’ts before culminating the affair, and Aidan stuck to the agreement. Granted, the sinful negotiation occurred with his face between her legs, but the terms were nonnegotiable.
She refused to consider her heart was involved. This was an office romance, nothing more and nothing less. Aidan couldn’t be a deciding factor in her choice. Once the merger completed, she would leave Cross Enterprises. Her contract for temporary employment finished as soon as all loose ends were tied into a neat bow. Time wasn’t her friend.
Her pencil landed on the desk next to a stack of files. She tried to focus on work but stared at the laptop without seeing the numbers. Data blurred in the face of resolution. Her traitorous heart would break, but she’d done this to herself. Her lips twitched, and she bit the inside of her cheek. She didn’t know if she’d recover or ever find someone to please her the way Aidan did.
Her secret Dominant, the man who indulged her darkest fantasies and left her begging for more was irreplaceable. He seemed to read her mind and know what she wanted without ever asking…where to touch her body, when to push for more, and when to back off.
Headstrong and confident, she never thought she’d enjoyhistype of man, but she couldn’t get enough. Always a mature gentleman, he never demanded more than he gave.
She bit her bottom lip and licked the tender spot even as her thighs clenched beneath the privacy of her desk. Not four nights ago, she’d soaked his face in this office.
The floor had been quiet, the cubicles empty, and flirtation turned sensual with the seconds ticking on the clock. Light touches and teasing banter resulted in Aidan crouching, lifting her skirt, and proceeding to use his tongue for other sensual things besides oral contracts.
Her gaze lowered to the phone, and she started to reply when an email notification slid across the laptop screen. “Come to my office, Ms. James. We need to discuss the final figures on the merger.”
Chapter 2
His fingers tapped against the mahogany desk. Aidan Cross waited for an answer to his email message, growing increasingly agitated by the minute. He didn’t like to wait. She sorely tried his patience. Sleeping with her was a mistake, but what a hot, beautiful mistake. It blurred the lines of professionalism, and his involvement with her endangered the case.
“I’ll be right there,” popped on his screen.
Aidan growled at the computer, dreading having her so close but not being able to touch her. He swiveled in his chair, gazing at the buildings closest to his office when he heard the light knock on his door. “Come.”
Not bothering to turn around, he spoke to the glass. “Do you have the financial report?”
Eyes closed with the cadence of her voice, and the perfume now seductively swirling in his office. “Close the door.”
The latch clicked in place before he swiveled to face her. “I’d like to go over the Profit and Loss statement from James Advertising.”
“I don’t have it yet, Aidan.”
His eyes lifted to lock with hers. “It’s Mr. Cross here.” If he didn’t keep a professional relationship in the office, he’d want her to wrap those full lips around his dick every time she murmured his name.
She squirmed under his scrutiny but lifted her chin. “Of course. I apologize, Mr. Cross.”
“Why don’t we have the report?”
“The attorney stated it isn’t ready since it’s the end of the quarter. They assured me I will have it soon.”