Page 17 of Sinful Negotiations

“I destroyed her phone after she told me she’d been receiving nonstop calls where no one spoke.”

“That’s a mental game. They are toying with her, keeping her on edge.” Lexxa shifted in the seat. “I still don’t know why though? Tessa has nothing to do with her uncle’s activities.”

Aidan frowned at the apartment building. “I know. Hopefully, the handler traces the source soon.”

“They found Sherry’s body today. Her tongue was removed, and her body was beaten.”

“We are missing something. Sherry was small time, a pawn, a loose end, but that’s all. Someone besides Chandler James is involved. That kind of money screams bigger player with access to enormous amounts of cash.”

“Her uncle spent her inheritance and has tried to mortgage the home several times since becoming Tessa’s custodial parent without success. She was only ten years old when her parents passed. Tessa’s father actually created James’ Advertising. The uncle worked for her father until his sudden death. He’s a shitty man, and the aunt is his prostitute for his clients.” Lexxa shiftedin the seat. “Don’t get me wrong, the aunt is guilty, and no gun was held to her head.”

“Didn’t her father know?”

“The last will listed the uncle as custodian, and placed the life insurance in his care, for Tessa, if something ever happened. It’s common for parents to rely on family. The uncle provided a good life for Tessa and paid for her college. There’s no one else who could’ve stepped in to raise her. The report from her parent’s accident has been doctored, but the officer who completed the report mysteriously died as well. I’d bet money Tessa’s uncle is behind both her parent’s death and the police officer’s death.”

Aidan frowned at Tessa’s apartment building. “There has to be something else, some connection we’re missing. The life insurance was spent years ago.” Quiet, dark, no activity, but at three in the morning, he caught movement from the corner of his eye. “I knew they’d be back. I’m going in.”

“Right behind you,” Lexxa whispered.

A black figure hugged the side of the building, avoiding the lights, and staying in the shadows. Aidan quickly slid from the vehicle intending to intercept only to be hit by something as he rounded the same corner. Stars formed behind his eyes, feet pounded against the sidewalk, and shouts came from every direction. Once his vision cleared, he joined the chase.

“This is embarrassing,” he groaned to Lexxa now straddling the man who hit him as several more agents arrived on the scene.

“That’s a lot of blood. Go get yourself checked out, and I’ll bring this one in.”

“It’s a head wound. I’ll be fine. I want to be there.”

Lexxa frowned. “Go before you blow your cover.”

His gaze flicked to Tessa’s front window when a light turned on. “Shit.”

“Go,” Lexxa hissed.

Saturday Morning

Tessa sat in a rocking chair, observing the activity through her front picture window, nervously biting her bottom lip. Flashlights lit a portion of the green area where tenants played with their kids. She drew her legs to her chest as a female with brown hair led a man away in cuffs, but what struck her as strange was the woman wasn’t in uniform.

In the back of her mind, she knew that man was here because of her. There were families in this building. What had her uncle done? Why were they after her?

She’d been careful and made sure to distance herself from his business associates. She’d purposely lived on the college campus and later in her own apartment to avoid them. How many times had those hard men come to her aunt and uncle’s home, leering at her when she walked by, and making inappropriate comments.

When it was clear her uncle wasn’t going to come to her defense, or acknowledge her wishes, she left and avoided them.

With the money she earned, she saved as much as possible. Her uncle paid for her college, but she worked while in school to prepare for the worst. She could run, disappear, pay for a fake identity, and create a new life somewhere. They assumed she didn’t understand, but she wasn’t blind.

The house was a tomb full of bad memories. If she could sell it, she would, but they had refused to leave and dismissed her concerns over money and the home. Something horrible happened for them to flee to another country.

Tessa frowned when morning light broke the horizon. Everyone around her, including Aidan, was in harm’s way. It was time to go. After today, she’d pack what she could and leave Lexington on Monday.

Aidan.His name rested on her lips. She couldn’t stand the thought of never seeing him again, but he would be safe. He wouldn’t be in the office today, and that would give her time to wrap up loose ends.

The time to run had finally arrived.


He closed the blinds on his office window, plopped in his chair, and dropped his head between his hands with a groan.Not today. He didn’t want to play business tycoon anymore. Thank God it was almost over. He wanted to spank Tessa’s ass when she left her apartment early. What he wouldn’t give for an icepack, and Tessa’s soft hands stroking anywhere she’d like.

When hisothercellphone vibrated in his pocket, he knew things were about to get worse. He dug it out only to read,“Marco Dentzi.”