Page 5 of My Cupid Holidate

“Hey, babe. Thanks for understanding my schedule. I brought you an early Valentine’s present.” Rex’s smoldering gaze knocks me back into my seat as he thrusts the flowers into my hands, takes his seat, and kisses me. A kiss so full of passion I forget everything and everyone around us. My hands grab his shoulders and I hold on tight.

His full lips cover mine in a too quick, yet hot kiss I’ll be dreaming about for probably forever. The butterflies in my lower belly ramp back up, triggering a rush of warmth between my thighs. Well, I never said I wasn’t attracted to him. I just find him cocky, almost too handsome, and definitely out of my league. I never thought he’d really found me attractive.

But the look on his face as he pulls back… Our gazes lock, full of everything I want from any man, especially a fake boyfriend— desire with a touch of mystery and a whole lot of naughty intention.

Lost in his gaze, Tamara’s far off voice finally filters into my brain. “Aren’t you two just perfect for each other? Introduce us, Heather.”

“Huh? Oh yeah.” Turning toward the others, I make the introductions. “Everyone, this is Rex Stafford.”

Greetings ring out, except from Ben. I know his voice well enough to know he remained silent, not saying anything. Knowing him, he was too busy sizing Rex up through a superficial lens. Always focused on someone’s financial worth, he’s surely picking apart Rex’s casual clothes, which fit him as if they’ve been tailored for his muscular frame.

Lord, what did I ever see in my ex?

Tugging me close, Rex whispers into my ear. “Relax. We’re supposed to be in love and having incredible, non-stop sex.”

He does that chin nod thing that guys do toward Ben.

I peek at Ben to see his reaction. My ex’s gaze narrows. His lips twitch in that annoying way I’ve always hated, but all I can think is he can see right through our playacting.

Dang it. Could Ben be wondering why someone like Rex is with me? Did I blow this before even leaving the ground? Forget that.

Gazing into Rex’s handsome face, hoping I look properly smitten, or at least in heavy like with the sexy EMT, I touch his knee, giving it a light squeeze.

Sucking in a hiss, Rex covers my hand with his. Seeing real pain in his eyes, that grimace is real.

Concern fills me. What’s going on?

“You okay?” I can’t help it. Being a nurse is all I have ever wanted to be and taking care of people, even him, will always be a priority.

“Don’t worry, Babe. My injury isn’t going to keep us from having a good time.” Winking at me, he turns to answer a question I hadn’t even heard Stefan ask.

Nope. Not gonna happen. He can forget spending the weekend using “Babe” or “Baby” with me. After we are in the air, and everyone is occupied with other things, we are so having a talk.

My first priority, however, is finding some ice water to cool the fire his touch unexpectedly ignites. Excusing myself, I walk back to the galley. Discovering a bottle of water, I down half of it in one gulp.

Someone comes up behind me, but before I can move out of the way, hands grip my hips. I spit water against the wall, going ramrod straight.

“Shh, it’s just me. I want to make sure you’re okay?” Rex splays his fingers wide, then lightly squeezes my flesh. The searing heat penetrates my clothing. I feel branded. Visions of the two of us naked on a blanket on the beach slam into me.

“Um, yeah. Fine. I’m good. Thirsty. How about you? What’s up with your leg?” Closing my eyes, embarrassed at my own rapid-fire questioning, my cheeks warm.

Awkward much, Heather? Tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I turn to face him.

He releases his hands but doesn’t step back. His front, inches from my stomach. Sucking in a breath, I worry he’ll be put off by the softness of my middle should our bodies touch.

Looking over his shoulder, then back to me, in a low, husky whisper he says, “Long story short, my last call was to the Shanty on Main, drunk guy with a knife. Correction, drunk mountain of a guy with a knife. Doc says there’ll be no lasting damage, just need to rest it, stay away from the saltwater, and report any new headaches.”

“Headaches? Wait, what happened besides the knife wound?” Forgetting to keep my body still, my stomach brushes against his very toned thigh.

Except that it feels different. And so not his thigh.

What I feel is his rather large, very hard erection, and just like that, my face heats.

Rex’s lips lift in another sexy grin. How many versions did he have of those?

My body betrays me, relaxing as my nipples stand at full attention, and my knees turn weak. Circling my waist, he holds me against his hard… not-a-thigh.

I may just whimper. Scratch that, I absolutely do whimper. What is going on with me? I have never felt such an instant physical connection toward a man and damn, it feels so… right.