Page 1 of My Cupid Holidate



“I’m sorry. Can you repeat that? What do you mean you’re getting married? On Valentine’s Day?” I nearly drop my cell as Tamara, my bestie, makes her announcement.

“Heather, isn’t it perfect? And the best part… wait for it… We’re doing it in Aruba!” Her declaration triggers one of the worst memories of my life. My own canceled destination wedding.

No. No, it is definitely not perfect. In fact, she has clearly lost her mind.

Ten months ago, it was supposed to me wearing a white-ish wedding gown on an exotic island with my closest friends and family as I said yes to Mr. Right. But he turned into Mr. Wrong two weeks before the wedding after announcing he was in love with someone else.

And now Tamara is going to marry Stefan? I mean, she just met him less than six weeks ago.

Oh, this isn’t fair.

No, that sounds too spiteful.

I’m happy for them. Truly, honestly happy, but maybe jealous too. It was supposed to be me. I should be married and pregnant by now.

Two dreams crushed by my ex-fiancé.

I half listen to Tam gushing over her plans while my last failed relationship runs on a loop in my brain. All I think is that I, Heather Campbell, am going to die an old maid. All my friends are finding their happily-ever-afters, having babies while my future is looking more and more like that of a grumpy cat lady.

And then this past summer the unbelievable happened. Sam, my older brother, told us he’d fallen in love with Evie Nolan, when as far I knew neither one could stand to be in the same room as the other. Even now, our mom is making lists of baby names, her dream of becoming a grandma one step closer.

It doesn’t help that Evie is on board with that idea, and Sam too, for that matter. They’re planning a late spring wedding, but have dropped hints they’re actively trying to get pregnant. And now this.

How can I tell Tamara, my best friend since middle school, that I can’t be her maid of honor? She always has my back, even bringing me ice cream after every one of my breakups. Plus, the two bottles of wine after my break-up with Ben, the cheater.

Sinking into a hard, straight-back chair, I slowly bang my head against the wall, trying my best not to lose my shit as Tamara keeps talking.

“Didn’t you say your supervisor wants you to use your vacation time? Well, now you have the perfect reason. If you’re worried about the cost, don’t. Stefan is paying for everyone. He says it’s my wedding gift.” Pulling the cell from my ear as Tamara lets out a squeal, I come to terms with the inevitable— there’s no way out of this.

Looking back to when I’d met Ben, I’d just turned thirty-four soon after the pandemic started. He’d taken a job at Harmony General as an anesthesiologist where I’m an ER nurse. Handsome and funny, in the beginning he made me feel sexy, telling me he loved my curves. But I realize now it was nothing but a façade.

Connecting pretty quickly, end-of-times drama and all that, we took things slow. He understood my wanting to keep things under wraps. Knowing that my mother couldn’t wait to see my brother and I happily married, I wanted to be sure before adding that pressure.

And then, after I was sure, he cheated on me.

Sighing, I rub my forehead. Well, at least Tamara and Stefan didn’t pick St. Lucia. Because I don’t think I’d be able to handle it if they were getting married where I was supposed to begin the rest of my life.

With someone who said he loved me.

Then didn’t.

And now I’m going to be her maid of honor instead of the other way round. Yeah, I’m a maid alright. Still half listening to her, I almost miss her mentioning my ex’s name. Sucking in a lungful of air, I see black dots blurring my vision. So not good. Get a grip, Heather.

Blowing out a long breath, I screech. “Hold it. What did you say about Ben?” No, no, no. This is not happening.

“Um, Stefan asked him to be a groomsman?” Tamara’s answer comes out soft and full of apology. Knowing how I’d feel about this, she probably saved this bombshell till the end of our conversation.

“Uh, uh. No way. Tamara, I can’t. There’s no way I’m flying thousands of miles, wearing a bridesmaid dress, standing on a beach at sunrise, and having to see my lying, cheating ex. No effing way.” My voice rises to a near shout. I pace around the thankfully empty break room, silently cursing the relationship gods.

And the absolute worst part? Tamara and Stefan chose Valentine’s Day to get married. The day I’d met Ben two years ago.

A sniff comes over the line. I went too far.

“But you said you were over him. Can’t you do this for me, Heather? I can’t get married and not have you there. How could I have known they play golf together when I met Stefan? I’ll make sure you two won’t have to be in the same space any longer than absolutely necessary, I promise!”