“Oh, yes.” She gasps and pushes her hips against mine. “Just like that.”
I grind against her. Taking long, deep strokes inside of her.
With every thrust, I can feel myself becoming more hers.
As I feel the walls of her clench around me and she cries out for me again, I use all my willpower to keep going. Waiting until she’s collapsed against the bed to find my own release and empty myself into the condom.
Still panting, I fall next to her and pull her close to me.
My earlier guess was right. One time with Sophie won’t be enough.
Luckily, we have all night.
One week later, the walls of the doctor’s office seem like they’re about to fall in on me.
“I’m pregnant.”
Dr. Bennet smiles at me. “That’s what both the urine and the blood sample say.”
“How… I mean… how…” I rub my hand across my brow. “How did I become pregnant?”
She arches an eyebrow. “Do you really need me to explain the science of conception after everything we’ve already gone over?”
“No, of course not.” My cheeks flush, and I drop my hand in my lap. “I just don’t understand how I could’ve gotten pregnant. It was one time.”
“That’s all it takes.”
“Yeah, but… I didn’t think it was even possible.” I frown as I attempt to do some math in my head, but the dates and numbers all blur together. “I’m supposed to be ovulating now.”
“That’s what we thought. But given how irregular your cycle has been in the past, it’s not totally out of the question that it happened a little earlier.”
“A week seems like more than a little early.”
She lifts her shoulders. “The human body is a fascinating, often confusing, thing.”
Somehow, that does little to comfort me. The panic inside of me is growing by the second, making it a not-so-perfect marriage with the confusion I’m already battling.
“The thing is, I took an ovulation test at home last night and—”
“You really shouldn’t have done that.” The doctor frowns at me. “Doing one of those at home the night before insemination is only going to make you nervous.”
“But I don’t need insemination,” I remind her, even though I hardly believe the words coming out of my own mouth.
“No, you don’t.” She frowns suddenly. “Wait, did something happen that you weren’t fully aware of. Did someone—”
“No, nothing like that.” I can feel my cheeks growing hot and red. “I… Well, I had sex for the first time in a long time last week. It was… consensual. Completely consensual. I had a chance and I figured, why not have one last hurrah.”
Not to mention it was one of the single most thrilling experiences of my life. But I’ve probably already crossed way into TMI with my doctor. She only needs to know so much about my sex life, and I’ve given her way more than that.
“Is there a problem with the biological father?”
“No.” I shake my head. “No, there’s nothing wrong with him at all.”
Heck, I spent most of my twenties fantasizing about marrying Cliff and having lots and lots of babies with him. But those were fantasies. Impossible ones.