“Babe, what’s happening?” Michael asks worriedly.

“They’re trying to get in,” I whisper, panicking.

My heart is thundering in my chest and I reach for my son, holding his small body close.

“I already called the local police. They’ll be there in five minutes. I’m headed toward you now, as well. I’ll be there in less than thirty minutes.”

“Drive safe,” I tell him despite the fear coursing through me.

The intruder bangs on the door again and I look around my room for a weapon or something to arm myself with. I’m so grateful Noah is such a deep sleeper right now.

Tear well up in my eyes when the door shakes like it’s about to be ripped off its hinges. I make sure Noah is hidden from view before grabbing a vase from my bedside table. Suddenly, the banging stops, and everything grows quiet.

I wonder if they left.

“Christine, what’s happening now?” Michael questions sharply.

“I-I don’t know. The person’s not trying to get into the door anymore.” I recognize the fear in my voice.

In the next breath, I hear the unmistakable sound of a gunshot. There’s no holding back my scream as I drop both my phone and the vase on the ground. I rush over to Noah, who has been roused from his sleep.

“Mama, what’s happening?” he asks.

My tears fall as I hold him tight. “Just stay down and be quiet, baby. It’ll be fine.”

“Come out, Christine,” a voice says on the other side of the door. “All I want is the kid.”

Over my dead body.

Noah starts shaking. I hold him tighter and rest my head against his as my hand covers his mouth. Another gunshot rings out, this time against the door, and I start praying to God and anyone out there who might be listening.

Then I hear police sirens and I let out a huge, deep breath.

* * *

There’s a sea of people in front in front of my house and at least four police cruisers. They apprehended the man that broke in. The bastard tried to run as soon as she heard the sirens, but he was immediately caught.

According to the deputies, the man who broke in is a drifter and felon with a long list of convictions. He said we were lucky the door was locked. I told him I’m just blessed that God’s got my back.

Everyone’s already gathered here. Sam and my parents came as soon as they heard, and now they surround me as I hold Noah’s sleeping form in my arms. My hand is still trembling slightly. There’s a slight haze in my mind and it’s almost like I’m desensitized to everything around me.

I’m so grateful that Noah came and slept in my room. It’s just like they say, everything happens for a reason. It’s been weeks since Noah slept in my bed, and then tonight, of all nights, he had a bad dream and jumped in the bed with his mama. Sometimes life is overwhelming, but there are always blessings that need counting. Even some that are long overdue.

“Christine!” someone yells, pushing past the crowd that has formed in front of my house.


I quickly get to my feet and relief washes over me as soon as I see his face. He rushes past the cops and the cameras until he reaches me and crushes me into his arms. I’m still holding Noah, so he hugs us both.

“Fuck,” Michael breathes.

He’s shaking even worse than I am.

“We’re okay, Mike. We’re fine,” I say soothingly.

He pulls away and places a hand on my cheek. Then he looks down at Noah.

“Never again. I can’t go through that again. Christine,” he says shakily.