Iwant to kill Richard. I want to kill Ryder. And I want to kill my boyfriend.

In no particular order.

My phone has been going off all morning. Ryder must have shared the job opportunity with some of my old coworkers because people have been congratulating me all morning. I can’t believe Ryder announced to everyone that I had been offered the job when I hadn’t even accepted it yet.

And I really want to kill Richard for sending me that text. I realize he’s unaware that I’m currently in a relationship, but it’s been months and I certainly wasn’t expecting him to send me something like that.

Most of all, I’m furious with Michael. Not only did he accuse me of something I would never do, but he also proceeded to leave town without even trying to talk to me. It’s making me wonder if it’s all even worth it in the end.

We’re at a point in our relationship where I would do practically anything for him, and the fact that he still thinks I can just run off is telling.

He sent me a text last night apologizing and promising to make it up to me when he returns. According to him, he had a work emergency.

I would hate him if I didn’t already love him so damn much.

I feel like I was always bound to fall in love with Michael Crane. It was written in the cards, the stars, that he was the one for me. This is a journey we started when we were kids, and I know one stupid fight isn’t going to change that.

I’m distracted from my thoughts when Noah walks into my room.

“Mama, can I sleep next to you?” he asks. “I had a weird dream.”

I sit up and gesture for him to come forward. “Of course you can, baby.”

He climbs into bed beside me and snuggles in close. “Are you and Daddy fighting?” he asks after a few seconds.

“No,” I hurriedly say.


I smile and kiss the top of his head.

“I love you, Mama,” Noah murmurs as his eyes close.

“I love you too, monkey,” I say softly.

I feel myself start to drift off as well, but minutes later, I hear something that wakes me up. I’m a little groggy as I sit up, wondering if Michael decided to return early. But there’s no noise after and I start to think that it’s nothing.

The uneasy feeling in my gut doesn’t go away, though. I get to my feet and walk out the door but pause when I hear glass shatter. I hold back a scream when I catch sight of a shadow moving around in my living room. Bile rises in the back of my throat.

Oh, God.

I get down on the floor and return to my room, making sure to lock the door behind me. Noah’s still asleep on the bed. Taking a shaky breath, I grab my phone and immediately call Michael. He picks up on the second ring.

“Christine?” he murmurs sleepily.

“Michael, someone’s in the house,” I whisper.

It’s silent again until I hear the knob of my room door rattling. I let out a gasp.

“What?” Michael asks and I imagine he just jumped out of bed.

“I don’t know who it is, but someone just broke in. Help, Mike,” I say, terrified.

“Okay, okay, just calm down. I’ll send the police,” Michael tells me. “Stay on the phone with me. where’s Noah?”

“He’s still sleeping. We’re both in my room.”

I cover my mouth to muffle my scream when someone pushes on my bedroom door.