Tia has been gone for a week and I really miss her. She called me as soon as she got there but I haven’t heard from her since. I sigh over my breakfast at the Crane home. I slept there overnight with Noah.

“What’s wrong, Chrissy?” Sam questions.

“She’s having withdrawal symptoms,” my boyfriend answers for me with a cheeky grin.

I glare at him and he quickly amends his statement. “She misses her best friend.”

“And what have you done to make her feel better?” Sam questions her son sharply.

The both of us and Noah are the only ones here with her right now. Mel is visiting a friend in France, and Matthew and Cora went back to New York a few weeks ago. I can tell Sam’s worried that we’ll leave soon as well.

The truth is, we haven’t talked about it. There are so many factors to consider. It would be ideal for myself and Noah to move into Michael’s home in New York, but we haven’t been together long enough for me to go with him. Then, there’s the coffee shop to consider, and the fact that Noah just had to deal with a big move. He needs consistency in his life right now.

On the other hand, Michael can’t live in his parents’ house forever. He has responsibilities at work. It’s all very confusing. I know he wants us to come with him, but I’m not sure if I can. So we’ve been avoiding the conversation.

“I told her I can take the private jet and bring her anywhere she wants, anywhere in the world,” Michael replies to his mom.

“Can you take me to retrieve my friend?” I ask.

“Sorry, babe, kidnapping isn’t my thing.”

“Ugh, utterly useless,” I say sarcastically.

“Have you thought about doing something romantic? Have you even taken her on a real date since you got together?” Sam asks.

Michael looks from me to her. “Why do I feel like I’m being set up? Noah, help me out here.”

“I’m playing right now, Daddy,” my son says, concentrating on stacking his meal.

“Stop playing with your food, Noah,” I warn.

Michael shakes his head. “Thanks, kid,” he tells him before turning to me. “Seriously, baby. Is there anywhere you would like to go?”

I smile. “No, thank you, Michael,” I state before getting to my feet. “Please get Noah to school.”

I head into the room and decide to catch up on some sleep. I was up all night balancing some accounts and I’m exhausted.

I love the coffee shop with all my heart, but it’s time to face reality. The truth is that I can’t keep doing this forever. I want to keep and pass it on to my son one day, but I don’t want to run the place myself.

I thought it would be enough, but it isn’t anymore. I need a real job. One where I can help people. But I don’t have the resources for that.

Michael finds me in bed when he returns to the house, staring into space.

“What are you thinking about?” he questions, climbing into bed beside me.

“Life,” I reply.

“Oh, really. And what exactly do these thoughts encompass?”

I smile. “You don’t worry about it. You have a virtual meeting with the president of that bank in ten minutes and you’re still not ready. I laid out a suit for you in the closet,” I inform him.

He looks hesitant, but the meeting is really important so he nods and gives me a quick peck on the lips before walking away.

“Hey, Chrissy,” he calls, looking back at me. “I will take you anywhere you want—you know that, right? Any restaurant, on any date, anywhere. All you have to do is ask.”

He must have been thinking about what his mom said. “I know, babe. I’m fine, I promise.”

He gives me a single nod before walking away. I decide to check my email while he’s gone, and I find something that just might be the answer to half the problems in my life. And might be the cause of even more.