“How generous of you,” she says with an eye roll.

“I’m sorry, Cami, but it has to end. Like you said, I have a kid now. I can’t afford to continue on with old habits.”

Camila takes a deep breath. She peers at me, her eyes studying. Finally, she speaks.

“This is about your baby’s mama, isn’t it? Christine, right?”

I nod. Mel really filled her in on all the details.

“She must be a pretty great woman if she’s making Michael Crane actually open up and talk about his feelings.”

I smile. “She’s an amazing woman. I swear she drives me nuts eighty percent of the time, but then she smiles at me or says my name and I find myself wanting to do everything in my power to make her happy. Always.”

My heart clenches as I say the words. Nothing I’ve ever said has felt more sincere.

“Then tell her that, Mike,” Camila says softly. “I’m your friend and I want you to be happy. It seems like you would be happy with Christine.”

I groan. “But what if I mess up? Like I messed up with you.”

“You didn’t mess up with me,” Camila refutes. “You were honest about how you really felt. Not a lot of men are like you, Michael. Others would have been content to keep stringing me along in a relationship that wasn’t going anywhere, but not you. You recognized we wouldn’t work out, and you ended it. I’m glad you did.”

“Thanks, Cami,” I say softly.

“Alright. Now that we’ve gotten all the emotional stuff out of the way, let’s talk business. I have a proposal for your company.”

I smirk. “Ah, that’s the reason you came here.”

She shrugs looking innocent. “I mean, a booty call wouldn’t have been so bad, but in the absence of that, I might as well make myself some money.”

“Contact my secretary and make an appointment,” I tell her, shaking my head.

“Oh, come on, Mikey. Is that any way to treat an old friend?” she pouts.

Camila ends up being the best person to lift my mood. I’m feeling much better about my chances with Christine after my conversation with her, and my mood is further improved when I arrive at her house later that day to pick Noah up.

He’s spending the night at my house. I would ask his mom to join, but I’m pretty sure she would say no. Especially since she hasn’t looked at me once since I entered the house.

“I’m ready, Daddy,” Noah says, holding his backpack.

He started calling me that the morning after the gala. I get the feeling his mother had something to do with it, since she didn’t seem surprised when he did it. I teared up a little when he asked if he could call me ‘Dad.’ According to him, he likes being a Crane. Christine and I also discussed getting his name legally changed from Lawson.

It’s all perfect. If only I could just get his mother and myself on the same page.

“You got your schoolbooks?” I ask.

“Yes,” he replies, his head bobbing up and down.

He’s hyperactive right now. I guarantee he’ll crash and get tired in a few minutes.

“How about your clothes for school tomorrow?”

“I got it,” he says impatiently.

“AndChamber of Secrets?”

We finally finished the first Harry Potter book about a week ago. Noah keeps asking me to buy him a broomstick.

“Come on, Dad,” Noah says, jumping. “I didn’t forget anything. Let’s go.”