
My response is fast, automatic.

She raises an eyebrow, sighing. “Mikey, you’re so much like your father and honestly, that worries me.”

“Why would that worry you?” I ask in confusion.

“Because one of Marcus’s greatest talents was suppressing his emotions. He was always so good at pretending to be okay when he was anything but. It was hard to get him to open up. I don’t want you to be like that.”

“I’m not,” I dispute.

“Really? I saw you two dancing. It looks to me like you and Christine have a lot to talk about, and if I know you, I’m sure you haven’t had that conversation.”

I stay quiet.

“Find her, son. And have an honest conversation. You can’t move forward unless you do. I want you to be happy, Michael.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Mom.”

“Just listen to me and stop being stubborn. I’m older and wiser,” she states.

“Okay, Mom. I will talk to her when the time is right,” I say. Then I give her a kiss on her cheek and scan the room for Christine.

She laughs and waves me off. Maybe she’s right. Maybe it’s time for me and Christine to have an honest conversation. It’s been a long time coming.



I’ve always liked the dark. It always seemed like the only place a person could melt away and be invincible. A place to hide. Growing up, my dad always tried to teach me not to hide or run away. He raised me to be strong, fearless, and brave. I was his only daughter, and he wanted me to grow up into an amazing woman.

These days, I find myself thinking that I’ve betrayed all that he taught me. I ran away when I could have faced Michael and his family. I ran away from him and Matt, and I ran away from the truth, as well. I fooled myself into thinking I could keep my son away from his father forever. I’ll be the first to admit I was an idiot.

I’m not your strong, brave little girl, Daddy.

The truth is, it’s all a façade. I’m weak and a coward. My default stance is to run away or hide from my problems. I don’t know how stick with something long enough to commit. Every day, I feel like I gave up on following my dreams. I always thought being a lawyer was the right path for me, and it hurts more than I care to admit that I failed at it.

I sigh as I stare into the dark night. “I’m a fucking failure,” I say softly.

I hear footsteps behind me and turn around to see Michael. How did he find me? I made my way up to the terrace on the second floor for some air and some time alone. He seemed busy meeting all those people and I thought he wouldn’t miss me.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think it’s normal to be talking to yourself,” he states with a small smile.

I scoff. “It’s perfectly normal. You should try it sometime. It’s therapeutic,” I tell him. “Who knows? Maybe it’ll help get that stick out of your—”

He cuts me off. “Alright, you’ve made your point. If I hear the word ‘ass’ one more time tonight,” he says, mostly to himself.

I laugh, turning back around. He sidles up next to me.

“What makes you think you’re a failure?” he questions gently.

I take a deep breath.

“I’m not a lawyer anymore,” I start.

“I’m pretty sure you don’t cease to become a lawyer just because you were fired from a firm,” he interrupts.

“Quiet down and listen to me,” I scold. He smiles, gesturing for me to continue. “No one has asked me about it or talked to me about it, but I know you’re all wondering. And I know I disappointed my parents. They try so hard to be supportive and I feel awful about how things turned out.”