It meant everything to me. It was the first time I ever really let down all my walls with anyone. And when he kicked me out like that without even acknowledging it, I was hurt. And heartbroken. I had finally realized how deep my feelings for him actually ran, but it didn’t matter anymore. He made it clear he didn’t want to have anything to do with me because it seemed like a betrayal to his brother.

“When’s Matthew coming back?” I ask quietly.

He jerks a little in surprise before shrugging.

“He’ll be at the gala.”

My eyes widen. “You’re going to let him find out at the same time as a room full of strangers?”

“Of course not. I’ll talk to him before then.”

“How do you think he’s going to react?”

“Honestly, I’m not so sure. He’s going to freak out, for sure, but you know Matt. He’s a—”

“Golden retriever,” I finish. Michael grins.

I used to call Matt that all the time because he’s always so happy and optimistic. He takes after his mom in that regard. Michael takes after his dad. Marcus was always so stern and serious.

“Exactly. And I’m a vampire,” he says as his lips twitch. “Matthew will get over it in time. I just have to tell him the truth before he hears it from somewhere else.”

“He’s going to be so mad at me.”

“At both of us,” Michael clarifies.

“Yeah, but you’re family. He’ll forgive you eventually.”

“You’re family too, Christine.”

“Thanks for saying that,” I say, oddly touched.

“It’s the truth. I must go. I’ve got a ton of work to do,” he announces.

I follow him to the kitchen door.

“I’ve been meaning to ask. What happened to your fancy CEO position? Slacking off?” I tease.

“No. I’m taking a break so I can focus on my family and my son,” he replies seriously.

At that moment, his phone rings. He checks the caller ID and frowns.

“I really have to go,” he tells me and Noah.

He leans down to kiss our son on the forehead.

“What’s a CEO?” Noah questions.

“Your mom will explain,” Michael says. “Night, little man.”

“Good night, Mike.”

* * *

Michael and Noah walk through the doors of the coffee shop around 2 p.m. the next day. There are a few customers in here so I lead them into my office where we’ll have some privacy.

“Hey, I thought you were taking him to the mansion after school,” I say.

“I was, but he said he wanted pizza,” Michael says as he and Noah take a seat on the small couch in the room. I lean against my desk and raise an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue. “And I thought we’d come pick up his mom so we could all go out for some lunch at Ricco’s.”