“Well, lass,” he winked at me. “You sure clean up well.”

“So do you.” I laughed and took the arm he offered me.

He leaned down until he could whisper in my ear. “Now,” he whispered seriously. “There are four exit possibilities by door. Seven by window. We could easily take out a few of the guards before he notices. The twins offered to provide a distraction if needed, but time’s a ticking sweet girl.”

Throwing my head back, I laughed, long and hard, squeezing my father’s arm tightly in a hug. The doors had swung open, and everyone had turned to look at me while I laughed like a maniac.


Matthias narrowed his eyes at my father, no doubt guessing exactly what he had said, but when his gaze shifted to me, he froze. The man had seen me in a wedding dress before, but something about this was different. We weren’t playacting or on guard, waiting for an attack.

It was just us.

Me and him and all the orgasms he still owed me for breaking my heart.

This was definitely a step in the right direction.

The music began to play a soft instrumental rendition of “Without You” by Ursine Vulpine. This was our song. Our promise twisted into the words of the song like a creeping vine.

We were in this together.

Forever by each other’s side.

And that was all that either of us needed.

* * *

It was well past ten by the time everyone had said their goodbyes and we were on our way to the airport. Matthias was finishing up some work on his laptop before we arrived at the airfield so that he wouldn’t be required to work on our honeymoon.

Le sigh.

A honeymoon. Although the fucker still hadn’t told me where we were going. He even packed my suitcase so I couldn’t guess. I was hoping for somewhere warm and tropical, where I could drink margaritas all day by the pool and get a tan.

A real tan.

Not a Washington tan.

My phone beeped in my hand, and I turned it over to see who had texted me. I thought it might be my mother, who I was still nervous about leaving on her own, but Matthias had assured me everything was taken care of, and that Liam was going to watch out for her while we were gone.

That did nothing to assuage my anxiety.

She’d moved out of my father’s apartments over a month ago and into an apartment downtown. Matthias had gotten her a job as the assistant to one of his attorneys. I had told him she could be my assistant, but my husband had to go and be all logical about my mother needing her own space.


Guilt gnawed at me when I brushed that statement off, because he was right. She was my mother, but she needed to have her own identity and be her own person. I wasn’t a kid anymore, and I knew that was hard for her. Sometimes I caught her looking at me with a sad sort of nostalgic aura bleeding heavily around her.

She missed out on so much of my life.

Not that it was spectacular or anything.

Still, all of those firsts were gone.

Sighing, I looked down at the text on my screen. It was from an unknown number.

A picture of me in my wedding dress walking down the aisle popped up, and under it was a message.

I’m so proud of you, big sister. You will always be my hero, but it isn’t safe for me to be around anyone right now. Stop calling. I love you. -K