“Everyone is ready,” he told me, strapping on one of the vests from the table. “We have two teams hitting the airport and another hitting a warehouse listed under the name Remus Islandier. Your father found it buried beneath a stack of horribly organized paperwork at the mansion.”

He had taken over the mansion, digging through the piles and piles of paperwork that were left carelessly behind. He’d be leaving for Russia in a few weeks and wanted to have the place in shape for when he came back to visit me.

Maksim snickered. “That was too easy to find,” he boasted. “Although I suppose they never expected anyone to find out who either of them truly was.”

Nicolai grunted. “Still could have made it slightly more of a challenge.”

Dima laughed over the comm line. “Seriously?” he crowed. “We’ve been looking for these assholes for over a month, and you’re complaining-they didn’t give you a challenge?”

I laughed. Fucker had a point.

“We could let them escape again,” I suggested with a shrug. “Send you after them like a hound on a fox’s trail.”

“I’m good,” Nicolai mumbled. “Promise.” We all roared with laughter. If there was one thing myObshchakhated, it was traveling.

“Dima.” I drew his attention back to me. “You are clear to breach whenever the urge arises.”

Dima chuckled darkly. “Lock and load boys.” I didn’t have time to correct him on how to address his men properly before the alarm of the club signaled a security breach.

“Hell yeah,” Maksim bellowed, shoving his fist in the air. “Ura!”

Vas shook his head as he followed after Maksim, who had bolted out the office door. “Fucking Soviet war cry,” he sneered. “Couldn’t pick something better? More poetic? It’s just a fucking noise. Not even a real word.”

“They are attempting to get in the front door.” Maksim’s smug voice filtered through the comm line. Fucker was fast if he had already made it to the front. “Stupid idea, really. The best access point is through the dumpster chute.”

Vas snorted. “Let’s not give them any ideas, hmm?”

“I’m getting too old for this,” Nicolai huffed, running a hand through his beard. I jabbed his side with my elbow.

“Don’t worry,” I teased. “We have a great senior citizen plan.”

He took a swipe at me. “Fuck you.” I laughed. There was no heat behind his tone. If he were anyone else, I would have killed him on the spot. This time, I would let it slide, I supposed.

“Back. Back. Back.” We had reached the bottom of the last set of stairs that led into the lobby of the club when Maksim and Vas came running toward us. I couldn’t remember the last time I had seen either of them run like that. It was as if their asses were on fire.

“Grenade!” Maksim and Vas launched themselves over the bar to relative safety. I stared after them for a moment before his words sank in.

“Shit,” I hissed and pushed Nikolai into the small hallway to the right of the stairs we’d just exited. The explosion shook the ground beneath our feet, dust and debris flying every which way. Smart, but now they had given us the perfect cover.

Maksim cackled as he popped up from behind the bar top, opening fire like Rambo on the enemy as they swarmed inside. All hell broke loose as we took out man after man who breached through our doors. Fucking Ricardo better be dead, because if he wasn’t, I was going to make his last few breaths utter hell.

Luckily, we had chosen a club I wasn’t too fond of.

“Shit.” I ducked behind a concrete pillar as more men came streaming through the door. That fucker had been made of steel. Grenade my ass. The fuckers probably used a rocket launcher. “Mark, I need eyes on Cataclysm.”

“Got it, boss.” Mark went silent for a moment as he worked his magic. “I hope you have more men with you because you’ve got a small army coming at you through the parking lot.”

“How small is small?” I asked impatiently, flinging my knife at one of the men sneaking up on Nicolai. It hit him between the eyes. Dead fucker now.

“Well, it’s not quite the Roman Legion…”

“Mark!” I gritted my teeth as I took out another two men with my gun.

“Forty or so.” He didn’t sound so confident in those numbers.

“Or so?” Maksim sneered. “Or so!”

“Well, we’re fucked,” Nicolai laughed dryly. “Wave the white flag, boys. We are going down with the ship.”