Radick visibly swallowed.

“No.” His jaw clenched angrily. “I wish I could say that any doctor wouldn’t allow for such an abhorrent breach of medical conduct, but I’m afraid that isn’t the case here.”

There was not much that could turn my stomach, but what the doctor was implying churned my insides, bilious and sour.

“How many times?” Fuck, I didn’t want to know the answer, but I asked it anyway.

“Once or twice a month for years, and that isn’t counting whatever he did to her while she was awake.”

My teeth ground together, jaw aching as I struggled to keep from being sick. There were times when such things were appropriate under consensual role playing, but this was not one of them. As soon as I was done here, that doctor was going to find out what it meant to feel real pain.

“Any lasting damage?”

“She won’t be able to have any more children.” Radick huffed out a breath. “It looks like her ovaries were damaged during the original incident, but as far as I can see, there is no lasting physical damage from the extra involuntary proclivities.” He spat the last few words out angrily.


“I suggest a therapist,” Radick continued. “Once or twice a week to start, and the schedule can adjust from there. Maybe some antidepressants.”

I nodded my head to let him know I heard him, but I wouldn’t agree to medicating Katherine without her permission. She had already been violated without her consent. I wouldn’t allow that to happen again, even on something like this.

“Thank you, doctor,” I told him sincerely before striding into Katherine’s room. “Hello, Katherine.” I spoke softly so I wouldn’t disturb my slumbering wife. Walking over to her, I bent down to pick her up in my arms when a hand slapped against my wrist.

Startled, I looked up into the cold, lush emerald eyes of her mother, which were narrowed at me in warning. There was a storm on her face as she looked at me in a silent warning. Radick hadn’t been exaggerating about her improvements. Her grip, although still weak, held more weight than it had last night when she’d barely been able to move it.

“It is all right,” I whispered to her calmly. “I am only going to move her to the bed. She will have a neck cramp and a backache tomorrow if she stays like this.”

Katherine eyed me suspiciously for a moment, and I realized that Ava must have told her mother everything about us. Sure as hell wasn’t going to earn me any brownie points. She glared at me a few more seconds before releasing my hand and looking mildly ashamed when I laid Ava down on the large bed beside her.

Straightening up, I looked Katherine in the eye.

“No one will ever tear you two apart again. I promise you that.”

She closed her eyes, a tear escaping down her pale face. When she opened them again, they were clearer and full of gratitude I didn’t deserve.

“Thank…” She paused to take a slow breath. “…you.”

“You don’t need to thank me, Katherine,” I told her softly. “I always protect my family.”


Ipaced nervously around the entertainment room, waiting for their arrival. It had been nearly a month since Katherine had woken up, and today was the day she was being discharged from the hospital. I’d prepared her room across from mine. It was the only one I was able to modify to fit her accommodations.

Katherine was still weak, mostly using a cane to get around for short distances, but anything past that required a wheelchair. The bathroom was also the only one that had a walk-in shower instead of a tub. I had outfitted it for my mother several years ago, in case something was ever to happen. She’d cursed me out and thrown several rags at my face, calling me an ungrateful son and that she was fresh as a spring chicken.

Since everything had gone down with Marianne, I was adamantly avoiding the house we had shared together. Not that I had ever been there much to begin with. It was always too ostentatious for me, but Marianne insisted on a large, opulent home for entertaining.

“I can walk perfectly fine, you know.” Katherine’s voice drifted through the space. The elevator doors opened on a ding, but I had been too immersed in my thoughts to hear it.

“I know, Mama.” Avaleigh sighed dramatically. “We’re just trying to make sure you don’t tire yourself out too fast.”

Katherine snorted dismissively. “I’ll have you know…Liam.” Her gaze had caught me lingering in the doorway, and she’d left her sentence unfinished. I hadn’t laid eyes on Katherine McDonough in nearly twenty-four years, but seeing her again, even after all this time, still took my breath away. She was just as gorgeous today as she was the day I met her.

Her ginger hair was set on top of her head in a messy bun. Avaleigh’s signature look. Her lush emerald eyes were still bright and full of life, but there was a strip of sorrow there that I had never seen before.

“Hello, Kat.” I breathed her name, my voice low and husky, as I took in her lithe form. Katherine had always been shapely, with solid hips and muscular thighs that squeezed me tight when I pounded into her sweet cunt. Now, her body was thinner, less defined from years upon years of tube-fed nutrients.

The gorgeous minx stood from her chair, hands and legs shaking slightly with the effort to stand. Ava handed her the wooden handcrafted cane I had designed specifically for her discharge. She took several shaky steps toward me and stopped when we were nearly toe to toe.