“I was hoping it was to reconcile with Ava,” I grumbled, wincing at the sudden pitch of the vehicle to the left as Dante took a sharp, sudden curb. “Fuck, he drives like a loony bin.”

Leon chuckled.

“If it makes you feel better, I’m pretty sure they are reconciled,” Liam coughed awkwardly. “It just might be over Kendra’s dead body instead of a nice cup of coffee.”

“You could put an end to it, you know,” I pointed out. We were pulling into the Romano compound now.

Liam snorted. “I am not getting between an assassin and her target. Go for it.”


We watched as Dante threw his car into park in front of the house and dashed from the driver’s seat and through the front door.

“I wonder what has a fire under his ass.” Leon shifted the car into park, shutting off the engine before we both exited the vehicle. “You’d think he wouldn’t have much care for a woman who sold one of his daughters and didn’t do anything to protect the other.”

I shrugged nonchalantly. It did not affect me. I was all for letting Kenzi and Ava shoot her. Kendra wasn’t an innocent wife; she had been complicit in everything. The two women deserved a little payback.

Raised voices and the sound of a gunshot going off caught our attention. Someone screamed, and glass shattered. Leon and I exchanged a quick look before we took off into the house, the soles of our shoes sliding on the slick tile floor.

Kenzi was standing over Kendra, who was huddled in a ball on the floor at her feet, the barrel of her gun pressed against the top of her head. My wife stood slightly behind her sister, eyes trained on Kendra, cold and unfeeling. Fuck, that made me hot for her.

My little psycho queen.

“Put the gun down, Kenzi.” Dante approached her from the right, his hands out in front of him as if he was surrendering. “You don’t want to do this.”

Kenzi let out a sharp laugh. “I’ve killed plenty of people,” she hissed. “What’s one more?”

Well, the woman had a point. I strode up behind Ava, pulling her back into my chest. I didn’t want this to get messy, but if it did, I would make sure she wasn’t harmed.

“She’s your mother, Kenzi,” Dante tried to reason with her.

More power to him.

Kenzi snorted in disbelief. “She was never a mother to me,” she spat. “She let him sell me. Let Christian kill Libby. She isn’t a mother. Mothers care about their children. They love their children unconditionally. I didn’t offer her anything, so she chucked me aside and pretended like he had sent me off to college.”

Her hand tightened on the gun, finger on the trigger inching infinitesimally.

“You won’t just be killing her, Kenzi,” Dante whispered urgently. “Kendra is pregnant.”

“Good riddance to that,” she snarled. “She and Elias don’t need another spawn.”

Except that math didn’t add up. Kendra would be nearly five to six months pregnant, and she was barely showing, which meant—

“It is Dante’s child, Kenzi,” I told her. “Not Elias’s, and even if it was, you do not want to kill someone that innocent. That child is not at fault for the sins of its parent. Neither are you.”

Kenzi’s eyes turned to Dante, wide and expressive. It was the most emotion she had shown in a long time. “How long have you two been…?” She trailed off, her gun wavering slightly as she processed everything.

“Since before you were born,miotesoro,” he admitted.

Kenzi stared at him, stunned, her mouth parted slightly, gun dropping to her side. Kendra did not dare move from her spot on the floor. She was still sobbing, apologizing, but it was too late now. The damage was done.

“I’m only going to ask you this once.” Kenzi visibly swallowed, her fingers clenching and unclenching on the gun. “And I want an honest answer.”

“Yes,mio tesoro,” he answered her sadly. “I am your father.”

Kenzi took in a deep breath before asking, “Christian?”

Dante shook his head. “He belongs to Elias.”