I was so out of it that my mind barely registered the feeling of his fingertips brushing along the seam of my cunt. He wouldn’t find anything down there. It was as dry as sandpaper. The only pain I craved was the pain Matthias gave me. Erotic. Steamy. Consensual.

This fucker didn’t know the meaning of the word.

I winced when he dug his fingers inside me. He’d spit on them first. Racked with pain, my body hardly acknowledged the intrusion.

But my mind did.

And it didn’t like what he was doing.

“Stop,” I whimpered, tears leaking from my eyes. Who knew I had any of those left? “Stop.”

He shushed me, his eyes roaming over my bruised and battered body. I was once again struck by how loving his gaze was. Did he honestly believe I was his? Was he that delusional, or was this part of a game to trick me into falling for his scheme?

“It’s all right, Ava,” he soothed. “Soon—”

An explosion from above rocked the room. Kellan pulled his fingers from inside me and jumped to his feet.

“We’ve got a problem, boss.” The guard outside the door was frantic. “They’re calling for you upstairs. We need to go.”

“Dammit,” he cursed. “Stay outside this door. Kill anyone you don’t recognize and make sure she doesn’t leave.” The guard nodded and took up his post. Kellan turned to me and smirked. “Don’t think this is over, little one. I’m going to enjoy fucking you like a bitch in heat while your husband watches. Then I’ll slit his fucking throat, and you can watch him bleed out while I make you orgasm.”

I snickered, suddenly feeling oddly renewed. “As if you could make me orgasm.”

Kellan growled but said nothing, choosing instead to stride from the room, slamming the door harshly behind him.

Matthias had come for me, and god help anyone who got in his way.

They were going to need it.


It was quiet at first as we made our approach.

A few of my men, along with the twins and Liam, covered me from the ground. We inched along the outer perimeter like shadows skulking in the night. One by one, each guard on the outer stretch fell to our blades without a sound. No one would know they were missing until it was too late, and then all hellfire would rain down from above.

Through the unsupported section of fence, we made our way into a garden that spanned the back of the mansion. It was covered in large bushy hedges that provided the perfect cover. Not that we needed much with our snipers having set up in the forest surrounding us, their rifles ready.

The layout of the mansion suggested there was a basement beneath the main floor. No doubt that was where Ava was being held. The tracker hadn’t lit back up again. That was all the confirmation we needed. The plan was meticulously drawn to prevent unnecessary casualties on our end.

I could give two fucks about anyone else, but there were a few people I was looking at keeping alive.

Whoever held Seamus McDonough’s face and whoever the woman was who had taken my wife.

I’d add more as necessary.

“You’ve got four bogies just inside the back door,” Mark informed us over the comm line. “Two inside the front. Huh…” He paused dramatically.

“What is wrong?” I asked. “Why the pause?”

“There should be more people,” he said. “The heat signatures inside the house are all roaming. They’re obviously guards, but no one is just sitting still or doing normal activities. No staff. Nothing.”

“Are you saying Ava might not be here?” I snarled.

“No.” Bridget spoke up, her husky voice calm and weirdly soothing. “It just means that whoever took Ava might not be there. But she still could be.”

“Do you think they were expecting us?” Seamus whispered next to me. I shook my head.

“I doubt it,” I assured him. “Otherwise, this place would be abandoned, or we’d be looking at an ambush.”