My father laughed from somewhere behind me. “That’s my girl.”
Matthias’s chest rumbled possessively, and it made my core clench like a seasoned hoe. The man had fucking ruined me for anyone else. He tore his eyes from mine reluctantly and gazed around the room. His forehead puckered, eyes narrowing at the scene before him.
“What the hell happened here?” he asked my father, who rolled his eyes as if it was obvious.
“We were attacked,” he deadpanned. “And do you mind? You’re getting blood everywhere.” Matthias looked down at the blood-stained wooden floor, then back at my father, eyebrow raised.
My father shrugged. “I’m assuming you were hit by the same people?” he looked Matthias and his men up and down.
“That was my thought, but it seems like they sent considerably fewer men after you.”
Inclining my head, I stared up at him quizzically. “What do you mean?”
“We were ambushed by nearly four dozen men,” he frowned. “Highly trained operatives.” Matthias bent down to pick up one of the smoke grenades that had been thrown through the front windows of the bar. “This is an M18 smoke grenade. Simple but effective. However, it’s not high tech and provides little cover.
“The smoke grenades that were used at the club were M106. Obscurant type. It provides quick and fast cover, but also messes with infrared. Mark had a hard time identifying how many men there were because of it.” Matthias paused and turned toward my father. “Where are the men who attacked you?”
My father shoved his thumb toward the kitchen doors. “Out back in the alley, being loaded into a van.” Matthias nodded and stalked toward the service doors.
“You couldn’t change first?” My father groaned as we all followed behind my husband, who appeared to be on a mission.
Matthias flipped him off over his shoulder. “Bill me.”
Father laughed.
We stepped into the alley where Ioan, one of my father’s lieutenants, and Kenzi were casually tossing the rest of the dead bodies into the back. It was going to be a full load. They stopped when they saw us.
“These aren’t the men who attacked us,” Matthias muttered and turned to Vas, who nodded in agreement.
“They appear to be McDonough’s men.” Vas leaned in closer to get a look and pointed toward the bottom of the pile. “Is that Ward?”
Kenzi smirked. “Sure is.”
Vas beamed with pride. “Nice.”
“Slit his throat,” she bragged. “Ear to ear.”
“What was he doing here?” Matthias questioned.
“Trying to get his hands on your wife,” Kenzi muttered. “Again.”
My husband’s stormy eyes turned to me, and I just shrugged.
“Don’t look at me.” I held my hands up innocently. “This was all Marianne’s doing.”
“She was here too?” Matthias closed his eyes and took a deep breath. I wondered if he was going to have a stroke or something. With the way the vein in his temple was throbbing, I wouldn’t doubt that one was near.
“Take a chill pill, caveman,” Kenzi snorted. “Everything went fine. Christian’s dead. All their men are dead. Marianne escaped somewhere.”
I groaned, then thought about it for a moment.
“Wait.” If it wasn’t my grandparents’ men who attacked Matthias, then who did? “Who were the men who attacked the club?”
“We haven’t been able to figure that out,” Dante admitted with a shake of his head.
“They had no identifying marks or tattoos,” Vas informed us. “They were special forces and black-ops trained, that is for sure. High-grade explosives and smoke screens. Their moves were practiced and precise. We never saw them coming.”