She didn’t disappoint.

“Matthias.” Serena captured my attention again. She leaned back against the desk, her legs splayed open slightly, giving me a glimpse between her thighs that I had no interest in seeing. One hand rested on the sturdy oak of my desk while the other lightly trailed down the middle of her chest. Not even Valerie’s girls were this desperate-looking. “I’m sure I could make it worth your while.”

“Not interested,” I deadpanned, scrunching my nose, and waving her off.

“If you would just—” Serena was suddenly cut off by the sound of the door opening.

“Well,” Ava’s sweet voice was music to my ears. “This is a surprise.”

Now it was time to play.


She was leaning against his desk, her Raven hair tossed over her shoulders as she pushed her fake water wigglers out in a desperate attempt to catch my husband’s attention. The dress she wore barely covered her liposuctioned ass. Matthias stood a few feet away from her, a heavy crystal glass in one hand that was nearly empty, and his hardened gaze fixed on her overly scalpeled face.

“I didn’t realize we employed whores when the sun was out.” Matthias turned toward me as I strode into his office. He wasn’t the least bit surprised to see me.

Serena sneered at me, her eyes narrowed, but then it was gone, replaced by a fake smile and taunting eyes.

“And you are?” The question would have been innocent if we hadn’t already met. If she hadn’t put her lips on my husband at the gala.

“My wife,” Matthias told her before I got the chance. “The one I was just telling you about.”

“Oh?” Serena’s mouth dropped open slightly, eyes wide. The perfect picture of innocence. “I don’t remember you saying you had a wife.”

She was good, I would give her that, but my husband was a master of facial expressions. A human lie detector test, and I had picked up on a few things here and there. I knew full well he had told her we were married the night of the gala.

“Wow, you’re good,” I applauded her mockingly. “But not that good. Your left shoulder shrugs a bit when you lie.”

Serena huffed, dropping her façade, and stood straighter, shoulders rolling back as she transformed before my eyes into the woman I had seen the night of the gala. Cold and calculating.

“Perceptive little bitch, I see,” she snarled. Matthias growled at the insult, but I was one step ahead of him. I sprang forward, my hand snatching up her perfectly placed locks, ensnaring them in my gasp. Serena gasped in pain when I wrenched her head down. Her back was arched uncomfortably, acrylic claws digging into my arm as I all but dragged her toward the open balcony.

Swinging her around to face me, I dropped the hand from her hair in favor of her neck and pushed her body against the metal railing of the balcony until her feet came off the ground and stark fear crawled onto her face.

“Let’s get one thing straight, Serena.” My voice was calm and steady, as if I was talking to a friend instead of hanging a whore partway off a railing thirty flights up. “I’m not a bitch. Or a whore. Or any of the other colorful names you are probably calling me in your head right now. My name is Avaleigh Dashkov,Pakhanof the SeattleBratva, wife of Matthias Dashkov, and I want you to remember that when you address me.”

“I—” I tightened my hand around her throat.

“I’m still talking.” She quieted immediately. “I am well aware of how you tried to blackmail Matthias at the gala for the information you have on where his mother is buried, and I have no doubt you were trying to be just as salacious in his office a minute ago.”

She shook her head, panic seizing her features as she tried to deny it.

“I really do hate liars,” I scolded and shoved her a little farther up the railing.

“No!” she cried out, her feet swinging wildly as she clawed at my hand around her throat viciously. “Please. You don’t know who my father is.”

I scoffed. “And I don’t give a fuck,” I told her. “You are going to give my husband the information he asked for. He paid his debt when he redirected your unwanted suitor. If you try this seduction act again or try and retaliate, I will send you back to your father piece by piece.” I paused. “Or maybe I’ll drop you off on the doorstep of that suitor you seem so afraid of.”

Serena froze, chest rising and falling rapidly as she struggled to breathe. “Please,” she begged, tears streaming down her perfectly made-up face. Ouch, mascara lines were a bitch to clean up. “Please don’t. I—I promise.”

“Promise what, Serena?”

“I promise I’ll leave him alone!” she screamed. “Just please don’t let him take me.”

Shouldn’t I have felt pity for her predicament?

I didn’t. Not at all.