"When will I begin training?"

A slight furrow in his brow, he said, "You were supposed to begin this morning. What exactly was Maewyn doing with you out here?"

She didn't want to get Maewyn in trouble, but she also didn't have it in her to attempt to lie to Isael.

"She was educating me on matters of conception. Because of the impending full moon."

"I see," Isael said, his tone giving nothing away.

Cera waited a few seconds, wet her lips, and then asked, "Will we begin then, on the full moon night?"

The high lord...shrugged.

"Do you want to begin then?"

Perhaps it was because she was already feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious, but she found his question rather annoying.

Unable to keep the petulance from her voice, she asked, "Doyouwant to begin then?"

"If the decision were mine alone, I would have you now, right here in the gardens."

He said the words so casually that it took Cera several seconds to process them. When she did, her mind stalled, and she nearly tripped on a cobblestone. Isael took hold of her garbed elbow to steady her, his grip firm and warm. When she looked up at him, his blue eyes were dancing with mischief.

"However," he said with deliberate leisure. "I thought I might court you first."

"Court me?" She laughed a little, because surely that was a joke. "To what end? You already own me."

Despite growing up in the tempestuous Ateran court, Cera had never seen someone's mood shift so abruptly. One moment Isael had appeared playful and charming, all but smiling at her. Then, his mirth evaporated and his face grew hard.

"Is that how you feel?" They had stopped walking. Standing still beside him, Cera couldn't help but notice the large shadow he cast over her. "That I own you?"

If it were another man, she might have been able to walk back what she'd said.

Of course not, my lord. I only mean that you own my fealty, my loyalty, and my affections. But only because I am your devoted subject, definitely not because you purchased me from my father.

"It is not how I feel," she said, choosing her words with care. "It is how it is. As you just said, I was given to you in exchange for trade contracts and military supplies. Assuming you held up your end of the negotiations, I am yours to do with as you please."

He stared at her for a long moment, and it took effort not to squirm under his stormy gaze.

Finally, he asked, "And if it pleases me to court you?"

Now it was Cera's turn to shrug. She reiterated, "You can do as you please. It's only..." She felt heat rise up her neck. "I would prefer we just...proceed without artifice. Whether you court me or not, the end result would be the same. It isn't as if I'll refuse you."

Another long moment passed, and Cera had to avert her eyes. She hoped the path remained clear. She couldn't imagine what others would think if they saw her, blushing and fidgeting while their high lord glared down at her.

"What if I gave you the option to refuse me?"

Now he was just being ridiculous.

"I wouldn't refuse you," she said, impatience beginning to win out over her shyness. "I am obligated to serve you, to give you children."

"But you want other things. You told me so yourself, the night you arrived."

"Yes, and on that night we struck a deal. I serve you for a few decades, then I am—"

"That was before."

Her gaze snapped up to meet his, and there was no hiding her ire. "You're reneging on our agreement?"