Nina 1:43 AM: So anyway, I was thinking tomorrow we could…
Nina 1:44 AM: Are you there?
Nina 1:45 AM: And you’re right. That did feel much better this time than last time…
I stopped reading when I saw those words. What felt better than what time? I was angry. Nina should not be messaging my husband in the middle of the night no matter who she was or how long they’d known each other. Not unless she was stranded on the side of the road and needed gas or something.
Rage got the better of me and I wanted to smash the phone. Instead, I noticed a glass next to Charles on the end table that had some sort of liquid in it so I dropped the phone into it and walked away.
Good luck texting him now, bitch… I thought, collapsing into bed. My heart felt so torn. Charles and I were perfect together. There was no planet on which both of us in a relationship did not make sense. Tears burned my eyes as I crawled under the blanket and tried to get comfortable. I wanted him with me in bed. I wanted to make sure he didn’t try to fish out his phone and message her.
Why was I feeling so possessive when this was nothing more than an arrangement? But why would he ask me to make love to him when we were only doing this for show? I sobbed, curled up around what was supposed to be his pillow, lying in the center of the bed where he was supposed to be holding me. That’s how that was supposed to work. He asked me to make love. He was supposed to be holding me, not texting some other woman.
If Charles thought this was how life was going to be, then I was done even thinking about telling him about the baby, or my feelings for him. He got nothing. I wasn’t going to compete with a blonde bimbo.
When the election was over, I was leaving. I wanted to go home and spend time with my parents and Mr. Boots anyway. It was the perfect excuse to disappear to rural Virginia and find solace away from the city. With the payout from this arrangement, I could afford to take the time off work and look around for where to expand our firm, and Mel would definitely cover for me. Eventually I’d have to tell him about the baby, but only when I was ready.
Until then, I’d play the best political wife I could, and pray that my heart survived the breaking that would happen when I got that check and walked away.
Every time a district reported in, I got more excited. I was winning, but narrowly. The entire hall was buzzing with activity. Champagne flutes rode around on waiters’ trays, trading empty glasses for full ones. So far, the evening was going exactly how I hoped it would.
Peter looked at ease for the first time in months. His job was now over, and he would shift gears to prepping for next term with whatever candidates hired him. I, however, was on pins and needles waiting for the results. Election night had never been so intense for me. As a voter, I cast my vote and went home to watch shows and work on whatever case was on my docket at the time. Being a candidate was entirely different. I felt more on edge than I had for the entire campaign.
“Relax, you’re too nervous.” Nina hooked her arm around mine and leaned in. I could smell the alcohol on her breath. It wasn’t champagne either. “You do look amazing when you’re this intense though.”
I chuckled nervously, scanning the room for Willow. She had been in and out all night, floating around in her full-length, black satin ball gown. I thought she looked a little pale, maybe tired, but she was exquisite. I wanted her to be the one on my arm when the final results were tallied.
“I’m okay. It’s an intense night. All our hard work adding up to this moment.” I smiled at Nina, pulling my arm away from her to snatch a flute of champagne off a passing tray. She frowned, resituating her arm at her side as I stepped away from her. “I appreciate your loyalty and dedication to the campaign. I have a good feeling about this.”
“Me too,” she said, nudging closer to me again.
I looked for Willow again, not seeing any trace of her. Hoping to dislodge the thorn in my side, I walked away from Nina, headed to the hallway to find Willow. Nina, however, followed me like my shadow, and I found myself alone with her near the water fountain. When I turned to reenter the hall, she was there, blocking my path.
“Charles, can I ask you something?” She cradled her stemware seductively, tracing her finger up and down the stem like she was stroking my dick.
“Sure.” I was uncomfortable to say the least. Nina had made it obvious on more than one occasion that she wanted me, but I thought I’d made it clear to her that nothing would ever happen between us. “What is it?”
“Well, I mean, once Willow leaves with her money, you’ll be single.” She looked up at me through her thickly caked lashes, the mascara offering more covering than her skimpy dress.
“That was more of a statement than a question.” I couldn’t help but look down at her tits. They were staring at me over the edge of the lacy neckline that scooped so low her nipples almost showed. If Willow weren’t around, I’d bang Nina, but there was no shot in hell of a relationship.
“Well, I always wondered what it would be like to—”
“Let me stop you right there. Okay? Willow is my wife, contractual obligation or not. I am about to be made a US senator, and anything that looks inappropriate would destroy my reputation.” I held my hand out to her, and she took it, forcing it against her chest. My thumb brushed over the curve of her skin, and I recoiled.
“Charles, tell me you have never imagined me? Fantasized?”
I struggled to pull my hand away, but the scowl did it. She frowned. “Nina, I’m not sure I’ve sent the proper signal to you. I wouldn’t have sex with you if you were the last woman on Earth. I am in love with Willow. I have been for years. That’s not changing.” I straightened my tie and checked the hallway to make sure no one had seen that. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to find my wife.”
Nina scoffed, stomping her foot as I walked away.
I hadn’t seen Willow in at least 40 minutes, and I had no clue where she could have disappeared to. I searched the entire hall where I was stopped by one person after another until finally, I just started ignoring people. If I won, I’d have to give the entire party a speech, and I wanted her by my side for that.
Just the thought of my selfish desire made me feel guilty. Yes, I wanted her by my side for that speech, but maybe it would be best if she wasn’t. It would give the press in attendance the first hint that we weren’t really a happy couple. The absence would reveal a separation behind the scenes and give a foundation for Willow to depart quietly and go on her own. That’s what she wanted anyway.