I look down at her, the smile that lights up her face causes my chest to tighten. When I came up with the idea to challenge her at another bumper car race, I wasn’t sure if it was the best idea. But seeing the excitement on her face tells me this is all kinds of right.
“We are. Now stop stalling so I can kick your ass.”
“I amnotstalling.” She tugs at my hand, dragging me toward the entrance. “And you wish. Have you forgotten what happened the last time you challenged me at bumper cars?”
“How could I forget the day we met? Especially since youneverlet me forget about it.”
“What can I say?” She gives me a sweet smile that I know is anything but sweet. “I like to win.”
I pull her body flush with mine and cup my hand possessively around her neck. “So do I.”
Then I kiss her hard and deep. I plunge my tongue into her mouth before she has a chance to stop me. It’s a kiss that’s much too indecent for public consumption but I don’t give a shit. Sophia is mine, and I want everyone in this county to know it.
When I break away, she’s breathless, and her pale cheeks are flushed the most adorable shade of pink. I love making my girl blush.
“You ready?” I tap her nose then let my finger follow the line of freckles on her cheek.
She blinks a few times before her eyes come into focus. She’s off-kilter thanks to my kiss. That’s exactly how I want her right now.
I learned a long time ago that if I want to surprise Sophia, I have to find a way to disorient her first. Kissing her like that seems to have done the trick.
The man operating the bumper cars gives me a huge smile and a wink before opening the gate to let us. I lead Sophia across the open track to two cars sitting on the opposite side.
“I assume you want the red one again?”
She shakes her head as if trying to bring herself back to the moment. Her eyes are glazed over with need, and I can’t help but puff my chest out knowing that I did that to her.
“Umm, yes. The red one.”
I hold her hand to help her in as she settles into the car. Then I slip into the blue one next to her. The two cars are lined up side-by-side with the noses perfectly in line with each other. All the other cars are in a cluster near the gate.
Once we’re sitting in our cars, the operator lets a group of kids in to fill the remaining cars. Sophia is watching them with a serious look on her face. It’s not one that suggests she’s onto me, but rather like she’s preparing to take me down.
“Why so serious, Red? This is supposed to be fun.”
She shifts her stare to me, a tight smile on her face. “Oh, it will be fun. Especially when I kick your ass again.”
I shrug and smile. “If you think you can, go ahead. Makes no difference to me.”
“Who are you, and what have you done with Mac?”
I laugh. “Try to win and find out.”
She turns her gaze back to the operator, and that’s when she spots my brothers. They’re all here, Liam, Garret, Ash, Christian, and Chase. Even Warren is here for one of his rare visits.
“Oh, look!” She points at them with a huge grin on her face. “Your brothers came to watch you lose.”
“Looks like it,” I say right as the buzzer sounds, signifying the start of the race.
Sophia takes off like a rocket, seemingly undistracted by seeing my brothers here to watch.
Me? I remain right where I’m at.
Sophia doesn’t notice I don’t move as she races away from me and toward the opposite side where all the kids are still clustered together. But just as she starts to round the first corner, the kids miraculously get untangled and head right for her. Within seconds, they surround her, stopping her from moving forward.
She lets out a loud growl. “Come on, kids. Move!”
The kids laugh and purposefully bump into her over and over again. It’s beautiful and exactly how I planned it.