“I know,” Liam whispers. “I’m sorry to even bother you about this, but I’m worried. He’s never disappeared like this before. Did you happen to see where he went?”
“He headed toward the trail in the forest. The one …” My voice fades off, and I close my eyes. “The cave.”
“Cave?” Liam questions.
“Yeah. There’s a cave deep in the woods. He took me to it once. Remember the first day he got all pissed off about something? He was about to take off on one of the ATVs, and I jumped on behind him.”
Liam nods.
“He drove us out to this small cave next to a creek. It’s off the main trail and relatively hidden. He said he likes to go there when he needs to clear his head and think.”
“But it’s freezing outside.”
I rush across the foyer and grab my coat and scarf. “More reason to get out there sooner rather than later. If that’s where he went, he doesn’t have a coat on.”
A growl similar to the ones I’ve heard come from Mac when he’s frustrated leaves Liam. “I’m going to kill that boy.”
“Do you need me to help search?” Clara asks.
Liam shakes his head. “No, you stay here just in case he shows up. Call me if you see him.”
She nods. “If you find him, call me.”
I give her a hug before I rush out the door. I squeeze my eyes close and send out a prayer to the universe.Please, let him be okay.
I can’t lose him. Not now.
Not ever.
If there was any doubt about how I felt about him before, it’s gone now.
All I want to do is hold him close and tell him just how much I love him.
When you get a second chance, take it.
The cold wind cuts through me, but the brightness of the sun is enough to make being outside with my family worth it. There are moments when the sun is so bright that the glare makes it impossible to see Sophia’s position. If only the sun would warm my body, then today would be perfect.
Sophia turns her smile on me and calls my name. At least I think she says my name. Her muffled voice is hard to hear, and it sounds like we’re in a tunnel. But all I see is the wide-open space of a snow-covered field with a thick dusting of snow falling to the ground.
Her bright red hair glows against the white background, as does that of the little girl standing beside her.
It has to be her little girl. They look just alike.
Since when did Sophia have a daughter? I step closer to get a better look, but they fade into the brightness.
“Sophia?” I call out, but I’m met with silence. I wait and listen until the faint sound of giggling comes from somewhere to my right.
The little girl is now alone and running in circles around a snowman.
“We’re building a snowman, Daddy. Help us.” Her laughter warms my insides and pushes away the chill.
“Daddy?” I whisper, more to myself than anyone else.
The little girl stops and stares at me in confusion. “Are you okay?”