The entire bar silences the second her voice projects through the speakers. Even the people in the game room stopped and stepped into the main bar area to listen to her voice. She’s remarkably talented and much too good to be stuck in this small town. She could easily take the world by storm with her voice.
“Damn.” Trevor takes a large gulp of his drink. “No way I want to follow that up.”
“Oh, come on, Trevor.” Tide teases as she plops down in her seat. “You have a great voice. Get your butt up there.”
“Ha!” He shakes his head. “No way. Let someone else ease the crowd back down to reality. Besides,” he turns his gaze to me, “I want to hear more about Sophia.”
“Oh yes!” Tide claps her hands. “Me too. Please tell me how you snagged one of the most eligible men in Beaver.”
I chuckle. “Not sure I snagged him. It was more of a mutual claiming.”
“Whoa.” Tide fans herself off. “Do tell. Mac can be rather territorial. Is he the same way in his relationships? Oh God. Don’t tell me. He goes all sexy, caveman on you, doesn’t he? I bet it’s so hot.”
I pinch my lips together, trying my best not to laugh. There is no way I can admit just how right she is about him. Instead, I down the rest of my drink and stand. “I’m going to go get a refill. Anyone else need one?”
“Way to avoid!” Clara calls after me as I slowly back away. When no one calls out a drink order, I spin around and head to the bar.
Thankfully, the crowd is focused on the next person on stage singing. I’m not entirely comfortable here. This feels like one of those places where newcomers aren’t welcomed with open arms. Unfortunately, the bar isn’t big enough to fly under the radar, so the singer is a welcome distraction. Most eyes are on her and not me.
She’s young, definitely early twenties, and dressed in black leather from head to toe. Her voice isn’t as good as Tide’s, but she’s still okay. She’s got a raspy voice like Joan Jett.
“Hey you.” A familiar voice calls from behind me. I turn around and smile when I see Tanner walking toward me.
“Hey. Long time no see.” My instinct is to lean in for a hug, but I stop myself. While I don’t have a problem with Tanner, he’s still Mac’s mortal enemy. I didn’t think he’d ever calm down after being forced to allow Aaron Koch to stitch up his head. I don’t want to think about what he’d do if it got back to him that I hugged Tanner Koch.
“Too long. Mac must be keeping you locked up.” Tanner glances around the bar like he’s searching for someone. “He here?”
I roll my eyes. “Not yet. He’ll be here soon.”
His grin grows and turns a little too flirtatious. “Too bad. I was hoping to steal a dance. Or maybe even sing a duet.”
“Tanner Koch.” I place my hands on my hips. “Are you trying to cause trouble?”
He winks as he leans in close. “Now, why would I do something like that?”
“Same reason you did it at the Oktoberfest. You like pissing off the Mutter brothers.”
“Nah, I just can’t resist pretty girls. And you, darling, are a very pretty girl.”
I shake my head and take a step back. “I’m going to go get a drink. Enjoy your night, Tanner.”
I do my best to slip away, but the man follows me. Thank God Mac isn’t here to see this, or he’d lose his shit.
Being a dumbass is one thing. But being an asshole is unacceptable.
My brothers are determined to piss me off. I’m already on edge, and I don’t need them pushing me over it.
Things between Sophia and me have been tense these past few days. I may be completely to blame for that tension, but my behavior is driven by something real. Something so deeply rooted inside me that I’m not sure how to extricate it from my body.
I’ve never been in love before, and I’m scared. I’m so fucking scared, and I don’t know how to handle it.
I’m scared of fucking things up with Sophia, and scared I’ll lose her. Relationships are new to me, and I’ve no clue what the hell I’m doing. But I wantthiswith her. I wanther.
I’m scared she doesn’t care as much for me as I care for her. Sometimes I catch her looking at me in ways that give me so much hope. Those brief looks of longing and want. I like those looks, and I want them to mean something so much more than primal desire. I want her soul to want mine the same that my soul wants hers.