Page 96 of Truck You

“Clearly,” Ash says. “Be specific.”

“I hit an icy patch on the trail. Spun out of control, then hit a tree that caused me to spin even more out of control and I rolled down the hill. The ATV crashed into a tree after I was flung from the seat. It’s probably totaled.”

Liam opens his mouth, then quickly closes it. He stares at me for another beat before he spins on his heel and leaves the room. I hear his footsteps retreat up the stairs.

Yeah, I fucked up but good this time.

“Dr. Koch isn’t happy about it, but he’s on his way.” Grams points at me with a horrifying look in her eyes that says I’d be grounded for life if I weren’t a twenty-seven year-old adult. “You’re going to let that man stitch you up without saying a damn word. Am I clear?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I grit my teeth and keep my eyes down. I may not be happy about this, but I know better than to argue with Grams.

“Here.” Sophia steps up next to me with a clean shirt. “Put this on and then I’ll make you some hot tea.”

“I don’t like hot tea,” I say, avoiding her eyes.

“You’re still shivering. You need to warm up.”

“I’m not drinking any damn tea.” I snap.

Grams whips around and slams her hand on the table. “You’ll drink whatever hot beverage that girl gives you, and you’ll like it. And show her some damn respect!”

“It’s okay, Grams.” Sophia’s words are laced with frustration. “If he wants to suffer, let him.”

“No.” It’s not a reply, but a command. When Grams makes her mind up about something, there’s no changing it. “If he would’ve stuck around and taken care of you like he should have, this wouldn’t have happened. It’s his own damn fault he has to drink hot tea.”

Sophia tosses the shirt at me. I half expect her to leave. It’s what I deserve with the way I’m acting. But she doesn’t. She grabs the tea kettle and fills it with water.

I guess I’m drinking tea.


When a drink isn’t just a drink.


Mac’s being a dick. Well, partially a dick, but still a dick. It’s been a few days since the double accident. How he escaped that tumble down the hill with nothing more than a cut on his head is a freaking miracle.

The ATV? It didn’t survive. It’s not even worth attempting to salvage. Mac is a very lucky man that he walked away with all his bones intact. Hell, he’s lucky to be alive.

Me? I barely have a scratch on my head from the jack falling, and he’s acting like I’m the one that could have died. He’s back to trying to do my job for me rather than letting me work.

Hence, a dick.

But then he gives me unexpected hugs and kisses and little touches that lets me know he cares. It’s really not fair because it makes me forget how much of a dick he’s being too. He’s really perfected the balance between an overly protective, possessive asshole and a sweet, loving boyfriend.

He makes it hard to stay mad at him.

And Ireallywant to be mad.

Like now. I’m at the sink washing my hands and he just slipped his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder. “Mac, what are you doing?”

“Hugging you.” He plants a light kiss on my exposed neck.

“You hugged me thirty minutes ago. Let me work.”

“I am letting you work.”

I turn the water off and spin around to face him. I’m staring at him with raised brows and a frown while he’s smiling. When he smiles at me like that, he makes it hard to stay mad. I want to be mad.