Page 89 of Truck You

The seats are small, covered in maroon velvet, and smell musty. There’s even a balcony that’s above the projector room. Of course, that’s where I drag Mac.

Once we reach the front row of the balcony, I scan the area below. It’s a small theater, and these seats are too close for my liking. Thankfully, we’re the only ones here, so we have our pick of the seats.

I take Mac’s hand and lead him up a few rows until we’re right in the middle of the balcony. The big screen is in the center of our viewing area.

“Perfect.” I smile and plop down in a seat.

Mac stares down at me and chuckles. “I thought it was the man that dragged the girl to the most isolated spot, not the other way around.”

“Oh, stop. These are the best seats in the house. Besides, every seat in this place is isolated. We’re the only ones here.”

“True enough.” He takes the seat next to me and kicks his feet up on the back of the one in front of us.

The seats predate cup holders in the armrests, so we have to set our drinks on the floor, but the armrests do lift, so I lift the one between us and snuggle up next to him.

“Want some?” Mac holds the popcorn between us, and I take a handful. “You know, I’ve never seen these movies.”

I gasp. “What? How is that possible?”

He shrugs. “Never really watched horror movies. We’re more of an action-adventure movie family.”

“This is a crime against the classics. Horror movie fan or not, everyone should watchFriday the 13that least once in their life.”

“Well, then I’m glad my first time is with you.”

“Me too.” I have to tamper my giddiness at the knowledge that I get to pop hisFriday the 13thcherry. “So, I have to ask. Are you the kind of person who makes fun of cheesy movies or appreciates them for what they are?”

“And what exactly am I supposed to appreciate?”

I give him a playful shove. “Oh my God. You make fun of them, don’t you?”

“I never said that.”

“You didn’t have to. I see it in your expression. Word of warning. Do not make fun ofFriday the 13th. We’ll fight.”

He waggles his brows. “Maybe Iwantto fight with you.”

I narrow my gaze on him, but that only makes him laugh.

“What? I like fighting with you.” He places his finger under my chin and lifts my lips to his. “Or should I say, I likemaking upwith you.”

Just as he takes the kiss deeper, the lights dim, and the projector kicks on. As soon as the sound blasts through the speakers, I grin and pull away.

“Later. The movie is about to start, and you have to pay attention.”

Once the opening credits are done, Mac leans close to my ear and whispers. “Did you know this was partially based on a true story?”

My mouth falls open. “No it’s not. It’s fictional.”

“You’re wrong. It’s actually based on the real-life murders of three teenagers at some lake in Finland. The creators deny it, but the similarities are supposedly eerily similar to those murders.”

“How do you know this?”

He shrugs before tossing a handful of popcorn into his mouth. “I Googled it.”

“You Googled it? Why did you do that?”

“Because these are your favorite movies. I wanted to learn more about them before I brought you to see them.”