Page 80 of Truck You

Chase turns the screen that’s showing the feed from Sophia’s rear camera. “He’s riding her close. He’s even rubbed her bumper a few times, but not enough that it’s drawing attention.”

“How is she handling it?”

“She says she’s fine,” Chase says. “I can’t tell if it’s deliberate, or inexperience on forty-seven’s part. Regardless, she’s trying to put distance between them. If she passes the leader on this next turn, that should get rid of him.”

“Tell me she’s being cautious. Don’t let her do something stupid.”

Chase grins. “Don’t worry, bro. She’s got this. We’ve been watching the leader close for the last several laps. He always sticks to the outside. If she can gain some speed before the next turn, she can whip past him on the inside.”

I nod. It’s a solid plan, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I step back under the tent to watch the race from the TV. Since she’s a leading car, the camera is on her.

I see what Chase means. Car forty-seven is on her like glue. The next corner is coming up. Sophia increases her speed, but so does forty-seven. Just like Chase said, the leader takes the outside. Sophia cuts to the inside. If she’s able to put some distance between her and forty-seven, she could take the lead.

But that’s not what happens.

Forty-seven also increases his speed, but he overcompensates. He doesn’t just rub her bumper. He hits her, causing his car to fishtail. His rear whips around and slams into the back of the lead car. The lead car hits the wall, spins and slams into Sophia.

And I see black as my anxiety consumes me.

* * *

The next thing I know,I’m running from the tent, pushing past my brothers, and jumping over the fence. I need to get to her now.

Liam is the first to reach me. He grabs hold of me and tackles me to the ground. I shove at him, trying to break free from his grip.

“Let me go!” I yell.

“Mac, you can’t go out there. Let the emergency crew do their job.”

“Fuck the emergency crew!” I throw a punch at him, but he’s prepared for it and blocks me. Before I’m able to break free, Chase and Ash are next to us, ready to help hold me back.

“Did she lose consciousness?” I hear Chase ask, and I stop fighting so I can listen. “Are you sure?” There’s another pause. “Okay. We’re coming out.”

Chase looks down at me and reaches for my hand. “They’re letting us ride out. We can meet her at the ambulance.”

Chase leads the way to the waiting truck, and we all jump in the back. As soon as we’re seated, the truck takes off across the field. All I see are flashing lights through a haze of smoke. I hope that doesn’t mean one of the cars caught fire.

The truck stops next to one of three ambulances that responded to the accident. All three lead cars were taken out in that crash.

I hop over the bed of the truck and run around to the back of the first ambulance I see. Sophia is sitting on the gurney inside. As soon as her eyes meet mine, she calls out. “I’m fine!”

The EMT is dabbing at a cut on her hand, and her arm is wrapped in a sling. But it’s the blood smeared down her face that sets me off. I feel whatever control I have slip. There shouldn’t be blood on her face.

Despite the panic building inside me, my voice is surprisingly calm when I speak. “You don’t look fine.”

She shakes her head. “This is all just a precaution. It looks worse than it is.”

I shake my head and take a few steps back. Glancing around, I scan the area until I find the driver of car forty-seven. He’s sitting on the back of the ambulance that pulled up next to his wrecked car.

I charge for him, but I don’t make it very far before all three of my brothers cut me off.

“Mac!” Liam presses his hand against my chest. “Calm down.”

“He hurt her!” I yell and attempt to shove Liam out of my path. He stands firm and pushes me back.

“Not like this. He’s hurt too. Focus on Sophia.”

“Mac.” Sophia’s calming voice breaks through my anger. When I turn around, she’s standing outside the ambulance. “Don’t.”