I don’t see Ash or Chase. Mac is talking to Liam. Christian is standing next to a group of rough-looking men sitting on motorcycles. I assume it’s the local MC I’ve heard he makes most of the custom bikes for. He’s dressed in his usual black leather but painted his face white and has fake blood dripping from the corners of his mouth.
Garret is standing next to a pretty girl who keeps looking up at him with dreamy eyes. He’s not paying any attention to her. When she speaks, he just nods and grunts. It’s clear he’s not listening to her.
She’s dressed up like a murdered cheerleader, and he looks like he could be the lumberjack that murdered her. Although, based on how annoyed he looks by her presence, I don’t think that was intentional.
“I saw it! I swear!” A female voice cries out from the darkness of the road behind us. In unison, all heads turn toward the sound of her voice.
“No, you didn’t. It had to be something else.” This comes from a man’s voice. While she sounds scared, he sounds angry.
“Yes. I. Did.” Her voice is louder as they approach. “If you’d just come with me, I’ll show you.”
“No way. I’m not going anywhere with you.”
Once they come into view, Tanner calls out to them. “What are you two bickering about now?”
Clara leans close to me and whispers. “Jojo and Steve. They’ve dated since high school. Always fighting. No one understands why they’re still together.”
“We’re not bickering!” Jojo yells at Tanner. “I saw another hut and Steve doesn’t believe me.”
The music cuts off, and it falls eerily silent. The only sound is the crackle of the fire. Everyone is staring at Jojo, and I can’t tell if it’s from disbelief or fear. My gut is telling me fear.
Tension builds as the silence drags on. I look at Mac, and even he’s staring at Jojo with a hint of fear in his expression.
The only person who doesn’t look scared is Garret. He still looks pissed.
Tanner takes a hesitant step toward her. “Whatexactlydid you see?”
“A hut!” she screams. “Am I not speaking clearly enough for you people?” She points in the direction from which she came. “There is a hut back there in the trees by my car. One ofhishuts.”
The last sentence comes out much softer and the emphasis she puts on the wordhishas several people taking a step back.
Clara stiffens next to me like she’s trying really hard not to move. I glance at Mac. His eyes flicker to me, but only for a second, before he looks back at Jojo. I stare at him, confused by his expression. It almost looks like he’s fighting a smirk.
I look at Clara, and it’s as if she’s purposefully trying not to look at me.
“What’s going on?” I ask.
She doesn’t answer me, so I look back at Mac. He, too, looks like he’s avoiding my gaze. I narrow my eyes, certain that I’m missing something.
Then a loud, piercing scream fills the silence. The pounding of feet running toward us quickly follows, and then the words, “Orange eyes in the trees!” reverberates through the air.
Several people rush to their cars like they’re going to leave, but most of them remain frozen in place.
Again, the silence drags on. I don’t know what’s going on, but something doesn’t feel right. I can’t help but sense this is all for show. Please tell me no one is falling for this nonsense?
After a moment, Clara leans close to me, and whispers, “Will you at least act like you’re scared?”
“What?” I snap my head in her direction. Before she can elaborate, rustling comes from within the trees, followed by a low, feral growl.
Jojo, along with several other people, scream and run in the opposite direction of the sound. When I look back toward the crowd, Mac is staring at me like he’s disappointed.
I raise my brows and ask, “What’s going on?”
Clara lets out a long sigh. “This is all for you. You’re supposed to be scared.”
I frown. “What on earth for?”
She shakes her head and points in Mac’s direction. When I look back at him, he has his arms spread out to his sides. He’s frowning, too.