They exchange a few more words that I don’t hear. I’m too focused on the race. He’s leading, but just barely. One wrong move and the car behind him could take the lead.
But Mac looks good out there.
He looks in complete control.
He looks better than he has since before the accident.
Two more laps to go. This is always when I get tense watching races. Accidents are always hard to watch, but it’s those last minutes, those last few laps, that hit me the hardest. Especially when someone I care about is in the lead.
The last turn approaches and Mac speeds up. He takes it on the inside and glides around like his car has wings. Moments later, he crosses the finish line, and the crowd erupts in cheers.
Chase pulls me in for a hug, then Ash rushes in and wraps his arms around both of us.
Mac takes his victory loop before he pulls off and stops next to us. Every member of our pit crew, and a few from others, surround his car to congratulate him. The smile on his face as he accepts pats on the back and cheers as he pushes his way through the crowd is so big and bright. I want to make him smile like that every day.
Chase and Ash reach him before me, both pulling him in for a hug.
“Dude, you looked great out there,” Ash says. “We’re already getting messages from big name sponsors.”
Ash holds his phone up to show Mac something that makes him smile more. Mac nods and pats Ash’s shoulder before his eyes lock on mine.
He ignores the crowd and marches right to me. “Congra—”
He cuts me off when he sweeps me into his arms and presses his lips to mine. His lips are soft yet firm as they move over mine in a closed mouth kiss. It’s tender and sweet and ends way too fast.
He sets me back down on my feet and cups my cheek. “I liked knowing you were here.”
“You did?” My voice croaks.
He nods, then brushes a stray strand of hair behind my ear. “All I could think about those last few laps was getting back here as fast as possible so I could kiss you.”
“It was the water bottle, wasn’t it?” I tease, recalling the intense look we shared during his last pit stop.
His smile fades slightly as he shakes his head. “No, it’s you.”
Then he slides his hand around my neck and pulls me in for another kiss.
I can’t help but to melt into him because this kiss feels so good. Maybe a littletoogood. I should still be mad at him for how he’s treated me. But I’m not. I kiss him back and try to ignore the voice in my head telling me that this means nothing. This is just part of his plan to prove to me he knows how to romance a woman.
Because this kiss is the very definition of romantic.
Sleep is not on the agenda.
My brothers and Sophia head back to the cabins to prepare a celebration party while I’m stuck at the track, surrounded by reporters, for the past few hours. They pepper me with questions about the future of my racing career the entire time.
This wasn’t a big race, but it still gets decent coverage. Plus, it’s the best I’ve driven in two years.
It’s the best I’ve felt behind the wheel of a car in that long too.
I didn’t expect sponsors and top performing teams to be watching me though. Two years is a long time to be slogging along without advancing in the ARCA series.
My accident didn’t take me out of the ARCA series. I did. Smaller races, like the one today, make me feel safer.
But today, I didn’t struggle with anxiety. My mind was too preoccupied with thoughts of Sophia and her plump, luscious lips.