“Who?” I frown, but he doesn’t answer me. Instead, he pats my forearm and laughs as he walks away. “Who else is coming?” I call after him.
I don’t have to wait long to find out because moments later, Sophia pulls up.
“Oh hell no. She’s not coming with us.” I groan.
“Sure she is,” Chase says. “She asked to help with the pit crew. She’s never seen that side of racing, and she’s eager to learn.”
“You guys hate me, don’t you?”
“Oh, come on. I’d think you of all people would be happy to have her tag along. A pretty girl into cars is hot as fuck. You can’t tell me you don’t find that attractive.”
I growl and turn away from my brother because he doesn’t need to see how affected I am by this woman. Not that he doesn’t already know. “Don’t talk about her like that.”
“Like what?” Chase laughs.
I snap my head around and pin him with a glare. “Don’t call her hot.”
“But sheishot.” He waggles his brows. “Especially when she’s covered in grease and using car terms that most girls have never even heard before. It’s enough to make any man hard.”
I grab Chase by the shirt and lift my fist. We’re the same height, but I’m broader than him. I can easily take him in a fight. “Don’t think about her like that.”
He laughs like he thinks my reaction is the funniest thing he’s ever seen. I know he’s just trying to get under my skin, but I don’t give a shit. He can take his charm and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine.
He can flirt with any girl he wants, except Sophia.She’s mine.
My body tenses, and I release him from my grip. What the fuck is happening to me? Sophia isnotmine. She can’t be mine. I spin around, needing space between Chase and me before I do something I’ll regret.
“What’s his problem?” I hear Sophia ask as I storm around the front of my truck.
“Just you, darlin.’” Chase is still laughing as I slide behind the wheel of my truck and slam the door behind me.
I drop my head against the headrest and take a few deep, calming breaths. I have to get my shit together if she’s coming with us.
Chase says something else to her, but I don’t make out the words. That’s probably for the best anyway, because it would only make me mad.
* * *
The passenger doorto my truck opens and Sophia hops in.
“No!” I hold my hand up before she shuts the door. “You arenotriding with me.”
She rolls her eyes like she thinks I’m a complete idiot. Maybe I am, but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to spend three hours in the cab of my truck alone with her. This will be pure torture and my brothers know it.
She ignores me and shuts the door. “Chase told me to ride with you. Ash is already sprawled out in the extended cab, pretending to sleep. Garret is driving, and Chase says he needs to stay with the car. Sorry, but you’re stuck with me.”
She clicks her seat belt into place as if signifying the end of my objection.
I clench my fists around the steering wheel and fight the urge to scream. She can’t be here. She’s too much of a temptation. A temptation that I cannot resist.
Garret honks the horn, letting me know he’s ready to hit the road. He pulls out without checking to see if I’m ready.Typical. This is their way of ensuring Sophia rides with me.
I take in a deep breath before I start my truck and follow him out.
I feel Sophia’s eyes on me, and when I glance at her, she’s frowning at me. “What?”
She pulls one of her legs underneath her and rotates so she’s facing me. I try to pretend I don’t notice how cute she looks in a pair of black leggings and a bulky oversized sweater. “I’m on to you.”
“You’re on to me?” I huff. “What’s that supposed to mean?”