Page 111 of Truck You

My shoulders relax, and I feel slightly calmer than I did before I picked up the phone. Dad is such a wise man. I’ve heard my parents argue plenty of times growing up. While they’ve always been very loving and supportive of each other, they aren’t perfect. Fights happen. As much as they tried to make sure they never fought in front of us kids, it still happened on occasion.

“You’re right. I guess I’ve never really been in this situation before. I feel a little lost.”

“You really like this boy, don’t you?”

I nod before my brain catches up with my body and I realize he can’t see me. “Yes. I think I love him, Daddy. Is that even possible? We’ve only known each other a couple of months. I can’t say I’ve ever been in love before, so I’m not sure if that’s what this really is.”

“Pumpkin, there’s no time frame on falling in love. Some people fall in love in a day. For others, it takes years. Look at you and cars. You fell in love with cars the very first time I took you to the garage with me and let you peek under the hood. I swear there were stars in your eyes. Your mom still blames me for your career path. I know loving cars isn’t the same as loving another person, but it’s still love. I knew I loved your mother after a week of dating her. We may drive each other crazy at times, but she’s mine for better or worse. Nothing will ever change that.”

My eyes are hot with tears, and my chest is tight. I nod again because I’m struggling to form words, and I need a moment to collect myself before I speak. While Dad has seen me cry many times, I don’t want to cry anymore. I want to fix this. I want Mac back. Tears aren’t going to cut it.

“Thanks. I needed to hear that.”

“Anytime. You know you can always talk to your old man. No matter what it is. I may not like it, but I’ll always be here for you.”

“I know, and I appreciate that.”

“You still planning on staying there for Thanksgiving?”

“I don’t know. I’m debating on coming home this weekend, but maybe I should stay. Like you said, it’s what happens after the fight that matters. If I leave, I think that will make things worse.”

“Yeah, you don’t want it to look like you’re hiding or running. We’ll miss you. Your mom isn’t happy about it, but she’s trying to accept that you’re all grown up and following your own path.”

“This is really hard for her, isn’t it? And I don’t mean Mac and me or me not coming home for Thanksgiving. I mean my racing and career choice.”

“It is. But it’s not easy for me either. We’re both coming around. Be patient with your parents. We’ll get there. We just want you to be happy and safe.”

“God, Dad.” My voice cracks, and my tears break free. “You’re killing me. I think that’s the first time you’ve said that to me.”

“Shame on me. I should have said that to you years ago. I should have supported you and made your path to racing easier, not harder. I’m sorry for that.”

“It’s okay. It may have frustrated me, but I always knew you still loved me.”

“Maybe so, but I’m not proud of how we handled it.”

A loud knock on the front door has me jumping off my bed. “Hey, Dad. I need to go. There’s someone at the outside.”

“This late?” I check the time and it’s almost nine o’clock.

“Yeah, it might be important. I’ll call you and Mom this weekend, okay?”

“Okay. Love you, pumpkin.”

“Love you, too.” I hang up the phone and toss it on the bed before I head downstairs. Clara is already there and opening the door. A frantic Liam is standing on the other side.

“Hey, Liam. Everything okay?” Clara asks.

“If you tell me Mac is here, then yes. If not, no.” Liam looks past Clara and meets my worried gaze from where I stand at the bottom of the stairs.

I shake my head. “He’s not here.”

“Shit,” Liam mutters. “Any idea where he might be?”

“I still haven’t talked to him since the fight at the bar. I saw him just after lunch today. His mom showed up again, and he was upset. I tried to stop him, but he took off.”

Liam curses under his breath. “Took off where? His truck is at the house. He’s nowhere to be found. All the ATVs and other vehicles are accounted for. If he’s not with you, I have no idea where else he’d be.”

“In case you missed it, he broke up with me.” My voice cracks.Do not cry. Do NOT cry. I swallow hard and turn my gaze to the floor before I completely lose it.