Page 102 of Truck You

She takes a small step back from him, but she doesn’t exactly stop him. In fact, she’s smiling at him, and I hate it.

I take a step forward, but Ash’s hand stops me. “Don’t do it, man. He’s not worth it.”

I glare at my brother, shove his hand away from my chest, and barge across the room like a bull charging a matador.

I don’t want any man getting that close to what’s mine, but especially not a Koch brother.

Sophia sees me first. As soon as her eyes meet mine, her smile fades and her shoulders slump. “Mac. It’s not what you think.”

I step between them and give Tanner a hard shove. He stumbles backward and into the table behind him, spilling several drinks.

Spinning around, I crowd Sophia’s space and get in her face. “And what do I think?”

She pushes on my chest, but I don’t budge. “I think you’re jumping to conclusions. You barge in here like I’m doing something wrong, and I’m not.”

“If you have to say it, then chances are you’re in the wrong.”

Before Sophia can respond, someone grabs me from behind and jerks me around. Tanner grabs a hold of my shirt and growls. “What the fuck, man? I was just talking to her.”

“You were doing a hell of a lot more than talking, and you know it. Stay away from her. She’s mine.”

He lets out an incredulous laugh. “Yours? Sure, man. Whatever you say.”

I know he’s trying to get under my skin by acting like a douche, and I hate that it’s working. “You know we’re dating. Stop flirting with my girlfriend.”

He tightens his grip on my shirt, and I wrap my hand around his wrist, ready to rip it off me. “I didn’t make her talk to me. She did that all on her own. Looks like you need to do a better job of keeping your girl in check.”

“Fuck you!” I lift my fist and jerk it back, but before I can throw the punch I’m aching to hit him with, our brothers tear us apart. Ash and Chase grab me by the arms and pull me back while Jason and Linden grab a hold of Tanner.

“I told you, he’s not worth it,” Ash whispers in my ear. “He’s trying to get you riled up, and you’re feeding right into it.”

I knock Ash off me, ready to lunge at Tanner again. I don’t care what he’s doing. I’ve had enough of his shit and plan on ending it right now.

Sophia steps in front of me before I reach him, and I halt. “Mac, don’t do this.”

“Don’t do what?” I growl.

“Start a fight because you’re scared.”

I freeze and take a step back. “What the actual fuck, Red? I’m not scared.”

She tilts her head with raised brows. “Really?”

“Yes, really. I’m pissed. At both of you. How do you think it makes me feel to walk in and findmygirlfriend flirting with Tanner Koch?”

“I wasn’t flirting with him. We were just talking!”

“That looked like a lot more than just talking. You two were awfully cozy.”

“Oh my God. Stop! Stop right now! This has nothing to do with metalkingto Tanner. You’re sabotaging our relationship because you’re scared. You’ve been on edge ever since my racing accident, and it’s only gotten worse after the jack fell on me. You have got to relax. I’m fine. We’re fine. We just—”

“No.” I don’t let her finish. “We’renotfine. I can’t do this anymore. I don’t know why I thought I could do it in the first place.”

All the anger in her face vanishes and is replaced with disbelief. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying we’re through. Flirt with whomever you want. You’re not mine to worry about anymore. I was an idiot to think we could make this work.”

I spin around to head toward the door, but she grabs my arm. “Mac. You don’t mean that.”