Silas nods. “So you don’t solely want to work here to be with Ryan?”

I grit my teeth in annoyance. I hate this. I hate that so many people assume I’d be nothing without him, that I’ll follow wherever he goes. Ryan is a great guy and I do see a future with him, but that doesn’t mean I’ll forget about my own plans and goals.

“No,” I say, my voice deceptively sweet.Silas Sinclair.I wish I could throw something at him and walk out of his stupid office, but I want this job too badly.

He stares at me, an irritating smile on his face, and it becomes harder to resist temptation. I want to walk away and slam his door as loudly as I can, preferably in his stupid, annoyingly handsome face. Instead, I smile back at him.

He turns his laptop to me, his gaze unreadable once again. “Crack this, and you’re hired. I want the password to this email address within ten minutes. You can use any of the software already installed on my laptop, including the software you’ll need if you know what you’re doing.”

I glance at the piece of paper he hands me and frown. [email protected]? He’s asking me to give him the password to his own email address? I bite down on my lip, unsure if he’s giving me a near impossible task just to keep me from joining his firm. The man is an enigma.

“Have you asked this of all applicants?”

Silas smiles. “Yes.”

“Has anyone managed it yet?”

He nods. “One person.”

I breathe a sigh of relief. If it’s possible, then I can do it too.

“Do you interview all applicants yourself?”

He smirks. “Why? Did you think you were special?”

This man. How does he always get under my skin? Why can’t he just be sweet and kind like Ryan is? The two of them couldn’t be more different.

I grit my teeth and start to type, channeling all my annoyance into my work. This is the one thing I’m good at. I might fail at most things in life, but when it comes to security testing, I never fail.

My heart races as I type, and I barely keep from smiling. This doesn’t even feel like work. I could do this all day, just for the hell of it. I love the thrill.

Ten minutes. That’s all the time it takes me, considering everything he’s got installed. I smirk when Silas’s password is revealed, only for that smile to melt off my face when I realize what it is.Perasperaadastra. Per aspera ad astra.Through adversity to the stars. It’s the exact same phrase I have tattooed on my rib. How could it be?

I swallow hard as I look up at him, slowly turning his laptop back to him. Silas… there’s no way he could’ve known. Is he mocking me somehow? Did Ryan tell him about my tattoo?

He stares at me, and I wish I could read him. I want to know what he’s thinking. I want to know the story behind his password. Is it all just to throw me off, or is there more to it?

“You’re hired,” he says, his voice soft.

I nod, my thoughts whirling. “I… thank you, Silas.” I hesitate before asking a question I know I shouldn’t ask. “You aren’t going to make me breaking up with Ryan a requirement for hiring me?”

He looks at me, his expression entirely blank. “No,” he says, sounding…tired. “I keep my personal life and my business strictly separate. I expect you to do the same if you wish to succeed here. This isn’t an easy firm to be at.”

My cheeks heat of embarrassment. I shouldn’t have asked. All I accomplished was making myself look unprofessional. Why is it that I constantly feel unlike myself when I’m around Silas?

“Of course,” I nod, rising from my seat. I need to get out of here before I make an even bigger fool of myself.

“I’ll see you on Monday. Congratulations.”

I turn back to him when I reach his door. “See you on Monday,” I say, praying to God that I won’t. With a bit of luck, I’ll be able to avoid him at work just fine.

Luck… yeah right. When has Lady Luck ever smiled down onme?



I’m giddy with excitement as I walk up to Ryan’s apartment, my set of keys in hand. He gave them to me last week, and today seems like a great first time to use them. I can’t wait to tell him the good news. The two of us working together is a dream come true.