Page 111 of Bittersweet Memories


I start to feel sick as memories of the hospital come to mind, followed by a police officer and a man in a black suit standing in front of my house.

Insurance fraud.

Assisted suicide.

Memories of Silas and me in his small bedroom at the shelter come to mind, all of the memories I’d blocked suddenly rushing back, along with the pain of losing my parents and the homelessness that followed.

My vision starts to blur as I recall volunteering, the phone calls with Silas that made me fall for him. My eighteenth birthday underneath the tree, and the promises he made me.

Silas, my Si.

I try my hardest to climb to my feet, but no matter how hard I fight, I can’t escape the darkness.

“Silas,” I whisper, and then my vision goes black.



I stare at the paperwork in front of me, unsure what to do. Everything I’ve fought to regain, gone with a single signature. It hits me even harder now that I know that my father truly intended for me to have everything I now own.

“You can’t do this,” Amy says, her tone pleading.

I shake my head and look away. “I don’t have a choice. Everything I’ve done has been for her. I’ve done everything within my power to protect her from the pain of her past, but I’ve reached the limit of what I can do. If I don’t put a stop to what Ryan is doing, I’ll lose her forever. With each lie he tells her, he distorts her memories, solidifying a false image of me. I can’t lose her again, Amy. I don’t think I can survive it. Besides, I can’t let this happen to her. I can’t let him take something so precious from her.”

“Silas, it’ll cost you everything. Is she really worth everything you spent years building? Please be rational. If she were to regain her memory, do you really think she’d want you to do this?”

I shake my head. “She wouldn’t, but what choice do I have?”

“We can always handle Ryan the way we’ve handled others.”

I chuckle, not in the least surprised at her ruthlessness. “We can’t. He’s mybrother. While this document definitely ensures the end of any relationship between us, I won’t harm him.”

She nods, her expression dissatisfied. Amy glances at her watch and grimaces. “He’ll be here soon.”

Moments later, a knock sounds on my office door, and Ryan walks in. I look up at him, a strange kind of pain tugging at my heart. He’s my last remaining family member, and in the end, he betrayed me just like his mother did. I tried so hard to put him on the right path, shielding him from his mother’s intentions as best as I could, and all it earned me was a knife in the back.

Ryan sits down opposite me, his eyes on the documents. “Everything I’ve ever wanted in return for everything you’ve always wanted,” I murmur.

He looks up then, his expression unreadable. “You’d truly give up everything for her?”

I nod. “Without a second thought. Nothing I have is worth having, if I don’t get to share it with her. I’ll sign, but the moment it’s done, this is also the end of any relationship between you and me. I’m done, Ryan.”

I pick up the papers and straighten them, placing them in front of me before I pick up my pen, the very same one Alanna once gave me for my birthday, many years ago. Heartbreak of a different kind fills me as I sign on every single page, dropping the pen when it’s done.

This doesn’t just sign away all of my assets. It also cuts my little brother out of my life, once and for all. It’s the end of everything I’ve tried to do for him, every effort I’ve made to shield him from the feud between his mother and me. It’s proof that it was all in vain.

I push the papers toward him, and Ryan stares at them in shock, almost as though he truly didn’t believe I’d sign them. As if there’s anything I wouldn’t do for Alanna. She and I have already proven that we can live without worldly belongings. So long as I’ve got her, there’s nothing else I need. I just hope she feels the same way.

A commotion outside my office grabs my attention, and before I realize what’s going on, Alanna comes storming into my office, her hair a mess and tear marks marring her face.

“Si,” she says, her voice breaking. The look in her eyes has me freezing. She hasn’t looked at me quite in the same way in years.

“Oh God,Si.”

She bursts into tears and I jump out of my seat, rushing toward her just as her legs give in. I catch her before she falls, and Alanna reaches for me, her fingers tracing over my face.