Page 97 of Jaylen

Peyton looked unconvinced as Jay set their drinks and the plates down on the coffee table. Before they started to eat, Will prayed for the food.

The first time they’d prayed before they ate, Peyton had been confused. Jay was sure he still didn’t completely understand why they did it, but he seemed to expect it now, folding his hands and bowing his head without being asked to.

Though he hadn’t appeared to be turned off by the pineapple, he refused a slice when Jay offered it and chose the pepperoniinstead. After putting a slice on Peyton’s plate, Jay put one on his own plate.

“By the way, Janessa texted earlier to say your parents are back home.”

Jay frowned at his friend. “They weren’t supposed to be home until next month.”

“I can’t begin to imagine why they might have come home early,” Will said wryly.

Jay felt a strange mix of anxiety and relief. His anxiety was for himself, and the relief was for Peyton. Regardless of how they felt about Jay’s past actions, his folks would embrace Peyton.

Though his appetite had vanished with the news of his parents’ early return, Jay forced himself to eat two pieces before calling it done. Leaning back in his seat, he cracked open the water bottle and gulped down half of it in one go.

When Peyton finished his piece, he picked up his juice box and brought it to Jay. “Can you put the straw in for me? I always squeeze it too much.”

“Sure, buddy,” Jay said, swallowing down the rush of emotion that resulted from Peyton coming to him for help. It might have been a small thing, but it meant a lot to Jay.

After pushing the straw into the little circle on the top of the box, he held it while Peyton took a couple of deep swallows. When he was sure that it wouldn’t spill out, even if the little boy squeezed it too hard, he let him have it back.

“Do you want another piece of pizza, Peyton?” Jay asked.

“No, thanks. Will said maybe I could have Oreos for dessert if I ate my supper.”

“Did he now?” Jay said with an arched brow at his friend. “Will loves cookies and sweets.”

“Is that why you like pineapple on your pizza?” Peyton asked Will.

“Never really thought about that, but it’s possible.”

Will had eaten three pieces of pizza and still had room for a few Oreos. Jay let Peyton have two, and he ate one himself because he didn’t want to have to explain to his son why he didn’t want any sweets. He’d probably think he was crazy.

“Are we leaving tomorrow?” Peyton asked as he broke one of his Oreos apart, then licked the frosting.


Peyton glanced at him before focusing on his cookie once again. “Will they like me?”

“My family?” Peyton nodded. “Yep. They’re going to love you.”

He was glad he could say that with one hundred percent certainty. Over the past week, he’d told Peyton about his family, showing him pictures of each of them. The only people he hadn’t shown him pictures of were Misha, Denise, and Ciara, because he wasn’t sure exactly what role they would play in his life in the future. “And Layla will be excited to meet you.”

“She’ll be my friend?”

“I’m sure she will be.” He hoped that Charli would be willing to help him out and watch Peyton while he was at work since it was summer vacation. If she couldn’t, maybe Denise would do it if he and Misha were able to work things out.

“Everyone is really nice,” Will said. “You’ll like them.”

Once they were finished eating, Jay cleaned up the kitchen while Peyton watched some more television with Will. Jay’s phone beeped as he was wiping down the counter, and his heart skipped a beat. The only person who texted him anymore was Misha.

Janessa had tried contacting him for the first few days. But when he hadn’t replied, she’d given up on him in favor of, apparently, Will.

He didn’t pick up his phone until he’d cleaned up the entire kitchen in preparation for them leaving the next day. Though he still had plenty to do that night, Jay took a minute to read the message Misha had sent him.

Misha:Your two favorite girls hanging out together and missing you.

Attached to it was a picture of Ciara and Layla. Both of their faces were lit up with wide smiles, and Jay felt his heart clench. Though he loved the picture, a photo of his favorite girls would only be complete with Misha in it.