Page 80 of Jaylen

“That surprises me,” Misha said.

Jay emptied the remnants of the fries from the air fryer into the garbage, then began to wash it. “Why’s that?”

“I thought you lived and breathed basketball. I figured that would mean you’d spend money on it.”

“Oh, I do live and breathe basketball, but my interest is more in the high school level game than the professional one. I watch the NBA games for entertainment, but I’m more invested in the local team and coaching and playing with them.”

“You play with the high schoolers?”

“Sure do.” Jay returned the cleaned air fryer basket to the machine, then put the box away in the large pantry.

“Do they fight over having you on their team?”

“Sometimes. But I come with a handicap.”

“What sort of handicap?”

“I can’t shoot.”

“So, what can you do?”

“Basically, I can pass the ball. If I’m fouled, one of the other players takes the shot.”

“From that, I must assume that normally you score a lot of baskets?”

“I can. All depends on the day and the people I’m playing with. However, my height is a bit of an unfair advantage against teenage boys.”

“Teen boys can be tall, though,” Misha pointed out.

“Yep. But I’ve been playing at this height for a lot longer than they have. Getting used to a new height after a growth spurt can take a little time.”

“Oh. Yeah. That makes sense.”

“How was your day?”

Jay enjoyed having her to talk to as he tidied up and got himself ready for the week ahead. He wouldn’t see Misha at work the next day, but before the call ended, they made plans to meet at the gym again the next evening.

Once they’d said goodnight, Jay turned off the lights in the kitchen, then walked over to the large sliding glass doors that led out to his balcony. He was far enough up that he could look out over the town. It was one of the things he appreciated about his apartment.

As Jay mulled over the past few days, he hoped everything he’d learned from his relationship with Casey would help him succeed with Misha. One thing he refused to do was be a doormat the way he’d been with Casey. She’d definitely been in charge of their relationship, and that hadn’t worked for him in the long run.

And it wasn’t because he needed to be the one in charge. No. He wanted a partnership with Misha. He wanted the bestfor Misha, and he hoped that she’d want the same for him. He wanted a relationship like his parents had, with a strong enough foundation that it could weather the storms of life and go the distance.

Hopefully, they’d have the chance to build that foundation before facing any sort of storm.


Misha guided her car along the driveway that led to the Halversons’ family home. Though she hadn’t expected it, they’d received an invitation to Cole’s graduation party.

She hadn’t spent much time with the teen. Had only been around him a handful of times, though it was clear that Jay was close with his brother. Most recently, she’d seen Cole when Jay had invited her to watch him play basketball in the high school gym with some of the teens he coached.

Misha hadn’t been the only spectator. Skylar had been there too since the guy she was dating also played basketball and was one of Cole’s best friends. There were other teens there, but no other adults.

Misha hadn’t minded, though. She’d climbed to the top of the bleachers and leaned against the wall, watching as Jay handled the dual roles of player and coach.

Though he hadn’t been there in a coaching capacity, he hadn’t let that stop him from offering guidance as he’d played, first on one team and then on the other. The boys’ respect for Jay was clear as they adapted to his suggestions and high-fived him when he cheered on their accomplishments, even if they were on the opposite team.

“Are you sure we should have come?” her mom asked as Misha pulled her car to a stop next to the others that were already parked there. “We don’t really know Cole.”