Page 7 of Jaylen

“I’ll go let her in,” Aria said as she moved toward the doorway. “Since I spoke to her yesterday.”

“I was going to suggest we pray before this interview, but we’ve run out of time now,” his mom said. “I’m just going to trust that you’ve all been praying about it as much as I have leading up to today.”

Gareth nodded. “Aria and I certainly have.”

“I have too,” Janessa added.

“Me, too,” Jay said. And it was no word of a lie. It was the one thing he’d been praying about the most of late.

They all turned toward the door as Aria walked back into the room with a Black woman who looked to be about his and Gareth’s age. Her expression appeared wary as she glanced around at them.

“This is Cathy Halverson,” Aria said, gesturing to his mom. The two women shook hands before Aria motioned to Gareth. “This is Gareth Halverson. He’s a doctor here. And this is Jay, also Halverson. He’s the man who keeps us on budget and running smoothly.”

Jay offered Michelle his hand, appreciating her firm grim. “Nice to meet you.”

Janessa moved to his side and held out her hand. “I’m Janessa Halverson.”

Michelle’s gaze moved between the two of them as she shook Janessa’s hand. Once they’d all greeted her, they settled down at the table.

“Thank you so much for coming to meet with us,” Janessa’s mom said. “We really appreciate you making the effort.”

“I appreciate you considering me for the position.” Michelle held herself stiffly, her back straight and shoulders squared. Her hands were folded on the table in front of her.

His mom took the lead in the interview, sharing about the clinic and how they served the community. As she talked, Michelle appeared to relax a bit.

“So you had another woman doctor here recently?” Michelle asked.

Jay supposed that they shouldn’t have all looked at each other the way they did, but it was like they couldn’t help themselves.

Gareth sighed and said, “You want to take that one, Mom?”

She laughed. “Sure. Why not?”

Jay appreciated how she managed to present the details of what had happened without including much of the drama that had swirled around it at the time. Truthfully, it still might not be over. Nora seemed to have disappeared, but he didn’t think she was going to go without protest.

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that with me,” Michelle said.

“I’m glad to hear that.” Aria grinned at her. “I’ve already laid claim, so we’d have to fight. And I might not look it, but I’m scrappy.”

Jay laughed, as did Michelle. He’d come to really appreciate Aria and what she brought to the clinic and to their family.

“No worries,” Michelle said, holding up her hands. “I won’t be making a move on your guy.”

“Whew.” Aria slumped back in her seat. “I would have hated to actually have to back up my words.”

“So, two couples here at the clinic?” Michelle asked.

“Two?” Janessa asked, her brow furrowed.

Jay picked up on what Michelle was saying before Janessa did and shook his head. “Nope. She’s my sister.”

“Eewwww,” Janessa said, wrinkling her nose as she held up her hands. “Well, I mean that only because we’re related. Otherwise, he’s a great guy.”

Jay leaned back in his chair, watching as Michelle laughed with the others. He could see her relaxing even more as the interview went on, and it gave him hope that perhaps they’d finally found someone who could fill the hole in the clinic.

He didn’t have much to say, and neither did Aria and Janessa. His mom and Gareth carried most of the conversation, asking questions of Michelle and answering the ones she had for them.

“Would you need much time to move to Serenity?” his mom asked. “If this works out?”