Page 76 of Jaylen


Having spent a lovely evening with Jay, Misha knew she wanted to do it again. She just needed to make sure that she was the only woman spending time with him.

Misha had known she’d need to address this subject with Jay, though she really hadn’t wanted to bring it up. However, if he was in the habit of dating more than one woman at a time, she needed to know that before their relationship went any further.

Plus, she wanted to know if he truly dated all types of women, or if the blonde-haired woman was more of his usual type. People could be drawn to a physical type—she understood that—but if he was usually attracted to women who were Misha’s opposite, she wasn’t sure she wanted to risk her heart. She wasn’t interested in being an anomaly.

“Casey is myex-girlfriend,” Jay said. “We broke up several months ago.”

“So why did Janessa call her yoursometimesgirlfriend?”

Jay hesitated before answering, which didn’t fill Misha with much confidence. “Unfortunately, we have a history of breaking up and getting back together again.”

That statement made Misha feel a little sick. “How long were you together?”

That second hesitation was longer than the first. “We started dating when we were juniors.”

“In college?”

“High school.”

High school sweethearts? That really didn’t bode well for Misha. “And you broke up and got back together with her more than once?”

“She broke up with me,” Jay said, then frowned.

“But you always got back together?”

“Until this last breakup. I told her I wasn’t interested anymore.”

“Was that why she was at the clinic to see you last week?”

He nodded. “But I told her no.”

“Why didn’t you want to get back together this time?” Misha really hoped he didn’t say it was because of her. She worried that if that was the case, the first time they had a rough patch, he might go back to the other woman.

“I was tired of the breakups. Of feeling like I was her yo-yo. She’d send me out of her life, then jerk me back into it again. I finally woke up to the pattern… the manipulation… and I hated it. And that hate killed any feelings I still had for her.”

Misha wished she could have all the details, but she knew that she wasn’t entitled to them. “Have you dated other women besides her?”

“Yes. If our breakup lasted longer than a couple of weeks, I’d figure it was over, and I’d start to date again, hoping to get over her.”

“Were they all like her?”

“What do you mean?”

“Tall. Blonde. White.”

“Oh.” Jay frowned. “Well, they’ve all been White.”

“Is there a reason for that?” she asked. “It that the type of woman you’re attracted to?”

Frustration crossed Jay’s face, evident in the interior of the car thanks to the streetlamps throughout the parking lot. Misha wondered if she’d misjudged Jay.

His frustration faded as he sighed. “I’m actually attracted to intelligent, confident women.”

Misha wasn’t sure how to interpret that. She wanted to take the comment at face value, but there was no denying that, in addition to being intelligent and confident, Casey was also beautiful.

“And there were no intelligent, confident women of color around for you to date along with the White ones?”