Page 51 of Jaylen

“Why’s that?”

“I don’t feel like I’m dying by the time I’m done.”

“That’s good,” Jay said, resting his arms on his bent knees. “Or maybe it’s a sign that I need to up your workouts.”

She glared at him. “Do you enjoy nearly killing people?”

“According to the guys on the basketball team, I do,” Jay told her. “Especially at the start of the season when they’re not quite in peak shape.”

“I feel a lot of sympathy for those kids.”

“They might complain while they’re working out, but like you, they stick with it.”

Misha smiled at his words. “I honestly wasn’t sure I was going to.”

“I’m glad you have,” Jay said. “I’ve enjoyed doing this with you.”

“Me, too.”

Jay wondered if she enjoyed their time together for the same reason he did. It was hard not to appreciate how easy she was to be around. Misha might have been a little reserved at first, but as she’d settled into life in Serenity and at the clinic, Jay had seen her begin to relax.

He liked how he felt when he was around her. He felt like he’d smiled and laughed more with her than with most people, aside from his family and Will. It made him want to spend even more time with her, but he wasn’t sure how to make that happen. Or if he even should.

“I still can’t believe that I’m so willing to exercise,” Misha said.

“Must be my magnetic personality that keeps you coming back.”

She chuckled. “Well, we know it’s not the treadmill.”

They bantered back and forth about it for a few minutes before Misha sighed as she got to her feet. “I should probably get home.”

“Are you enjoying the free clinic?” Jay asked as they sprayed and wiped down the mats.

“I am. And it’s so great that Betsy was willing to take on the full day shifts.”

“I was surprised she agreed to that, but it’s definitely a good thing.”

“It turned out that she’s needing some extra money, so it worked out well all around.”

Jay frowned. “Is she having financial problems?”

“I’m not sure of the details. She just said that she’d happily take on more hours to help with her monthly budget.”

“I hope her financial concerns aren’t too serious.”

“She hasn’t seemed stressed about it,” Misha said. “When she’s at work, she appears relaxed and happy.”

“Are most of the appointment slots filled?”

“All of them are,” Misha said with a smile. “The first Saturday they weren’t, but ever since, they’ve all been filled.”

“I’m glad it’s worked out so well.”

“Me too,” Misha said. “I hoped that it would be a success.”

“I wish there wasn’t a need for the free clinic, but even though this area has a lot of wealthy people, there are still plenty of low income.”

“The clinic where I worked before was also focused on low-income people, though the racial demographic was quite different to the patients at the free clinic here,” she said. “But the thing is, at the end of the day, regardless of skin color, the concerns of the patients coming to both clinics are very similar. Parents are worried about sick kids. Older people are concerned about the changes in their bodies. Etcetera, etcetera.”