Page 39 of Jaylen

Once they were done eating, Misha got up to lift Ciara from the highchair, keeping her facing out so that she didn’t rub her hands all over Misha’s clothes. She didn’t think they had time for both of them to get cleaned up.

Ciara liked her baths, so she was happy to go into the tub, which Misha filled with only a few inches of warm water. While the baby played with her bath toys, Misha quickly wiped her down with a washcloth. She wasn’t terribly happy when Mishawashed her hair, but it was over quickly since she didn’t have a large amount of it yet.

She protested when Misha lifted her out, squealing her dislike through the whole process of getting dried off and dressed in a pair of footie pajamas. But she settled down soon enough, and by the time Misha got back downstairs with her, her mom had the kitchen all cleaned up.

“Do you have a list?” Misha asked. “We might as well get whatever you think we’ll need for the rest of the week.”

Her mom lifted her phone. “I’ve been making one.”

Though Serenity Point was on the small side, it did have a well-known nationwide chain big box store, which apparently served not just Serenity, but the other small towns in the immediate area as well.

Since they’d shopped the same chain of stores in Atlanta, they were familiar with the setup. It also meant that her mom was about to pick up the items she was used to using. It was a small thing, but the familiarity was comforting.

They picked up some diapers and formula along with their groceries, and since they were also stocking their pantry of essentials, the bill was a little higher than it normally would have been. Misha paid for Ciara’s stuff, and when they got home later, she’d transfer half the cost of the groceries to her mom’s account.

After helping her mom carry in the groceries, Misha settled into the rocker in the living room to give Ciara her nighttime bottle. Her mom puttered around, putting away the groceries. Misha would have offered to help except that her mom was particular in where she wanted things in her kitchen.

“I’m going to put Ciara to bed,” Misha told her once the baby finished her bottle.

Upstairs in the small room that was Ciara’s nursery, Misha changed her diaper one last time before she stood swaying with her for a few minutes. Ciara was pretty good about falling asleep on her own, but Misha enjoyed snuggling her a bit before putting her into the crib, whispering a prayer over the little girl.

She had more time with her now than she’d had in Atlanta. Just one more positive thing about the move. But for all the positives, there were a few negatives.

One most on her mind was the friends they’d left behind. They’d had to cut off all contact, at least temporarily. Her own friendships hadn’t been very strong because she’d just started reconnecting with old friends when Raden had been killed. After that, she hadn’t felt much like socializing. Her mom, on the other hand, had friendships that spanned her whole life, who’d been there for her as she’d dealt with the death of her son.

Would her mom be able to find friendships at an age when most people were settled with their friends? Especially when it wasn’t likely that she’d find many women who shared the types of experiences that she’d had.

It was the one thing Misha prayed about most regularly. That and also that Davontae wouldn’t be able to find them. Now that they had a home, and she had a job, both of which offered them safety and security, Misha was loath to give them up.


Jay lifted his head when he heard a knock on his office door, schooling his expression so that the annoyance he was feeling over the email he’d been reading didn’t show. The smile that replaced it came more easily when he spotted Misha in the doorway.

“Good morning,” he said as she came into his office, a container in her hand.

“I come bearing gifts from my mom.” She leaned over to place the container on his desk. “As per your request.”

Jay lifted a brow at her words. “How can it be a gift if it’s a request I made?”

Misha laughed as she sat down on the chair opposite him. She was wearing a pair of black slacks with a soft pink blouse that complemented her complexion beautifully.

“Well, it’s a gift from Mom that takes your preference into account,” she explained.

Jay pulled the container close, lifting the lid to reveal stacks of cookies. Chocolate chip cookies that looked chewy and delicious. He lifted one out, then put the lid back on.

“Don’t tell my mom I’m eating a cookie so close to breakfast,” he said, then took a bite of the cookie. “Oh. This is delicious. So delicious.”

Misha beamed at him. “My mom makes the best chocolate chip cookies.”

“That’s definitely not an exaggeration.” Jay quickly finished the cookie, reminding himself that he couldn’t indulge in more than one. “These really are amazing.”

“They’re her own recipe. I mean, she took what she liked of other recipes and created her own.”

“So she’s a great cook and a great baker.”

“Honestly, she’s at her happiest in the kitchen,” Misha said.

“She should open her own bakery.”