Page 31 of Jaylen

“Hopefully they’re good neighbors. If not, let me know.”

Misha laughed. “And what will you do?”

Jay cracked his knuckles. “Not sure, but I’ll think of something.”

“To be honest, having bad neighbors is something we’ve dealt with plenty. We once lived in a large apartment block back in Atlanta, and for every good neighbor, there was a bad one. It’s just the nature of living close to other people.”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to win them over,” Jay said.

“Well, maybe not me, but my mom for sure. All she has to do is offer them cookies or her cinnamon buns, and they will fall all over her.”

“Hmmm. Have I mentioned that your mom hasn’t quite won me over yet?”

Thankfully, Misha got the joke and laughed again, her eyes sparkling. “I’ll be sure to let her know that she needs to work on impressing you a bit more. Any specific type of cookie that you’d prefer?”

“Chocolate chip are always a winner with me.” He might try to keep his diet pretty healthy, but there were a few exceptions. Baked goods were one of them. Especially chocolate chip cookies.

Misha winked. “I’ll pass that on.”

“Morning, Misha,” Janessa called out as she came down the hall toward them. “Now that you’ve had two nights in the new place, how’s it going?”

“It’s great.”

“Well, even though I loved having you live with us, I’m glad you’re settling in. We do miss you, though. Especially your mom’s cooking.”

“Don’t worry. Mom is already talking about coming over to make a meal for everyone.”

“That sounds wonderful. Our kitchen is her kitchen whenever she wants. She spoiled us with her great cooking.”

“Seriously though,” Misha said. “I think Mom would love to be able to cook and clean regularly at your place if you’d like her to.”

Janessa seemed to consider Misha’s words before she said, “Let me talk to Charli and Aria and see how that might work.”

“Thanks,” Misha said. “She was a housekeeper in Atlanta, and she didn’t do that just because it was the only job she could get. She loves that type of work. I think she misses it.”

“Well, we’ll see what we can come up with for her,” Janessa said with a smile.

“Mom is enjoying unpacking the house at the moment, but I know once that’s all done, she’s going to be looking for something to do. She’s never been one to sit around.”

Jay wasn’t surprised to hear that. Even from the little he’d been around Denise, he’d noticed how she always seemed to be busy doing something. It reminded him of his mom. Even after she put in a full day of work at the clinic, she’d still keep busy doing stuff around the house.

“I could probably learn something from her,” Janessa said. “After a day here, I’m more than ready to just veg out at home.”

“Yeah. That’s me too,” Misha said.

“Speaking of…” Janessa said. “I’d better get up to the front and see who’s here.”

As Janessa walked away, Misha turned back to Jay. “Guess I’ll see you later.”

“You bet.” Jay headed to his office, switching gears to what he needed to take care of that day.

Unfortunately, instead of being able to keep his focus on business, his thoughts kept wandering to the time he’d spent with Misha on the weekend. He’d been more than happy to help her, especially since Gareth had been unavailable.

From his mom, Jay knew that Misha was a hard worker and was committed to her job. The plus was that she didn’t come with an unhealthy perception of her relationships with her co-workers.

Misha was going to be on her own this week after having worked alongside his mom. He couldn’t wait to hear how it went. So far, there had been no negative comments from patients, which was good. Given how hard it had been to find someone to replace Nora, it would be a shame if Misha didn’t work out.

He appreciated that things had settled down in the clinic. The overall atmosphere was definitely lighter, and no one was skulking around, trying to avoid Nora.