Page 3 of Jaylen

Regardless, she couldn’t help but feel that eventually, her time would run out.

“I may have a solution for you,” the man said. “A job opportunity that would take you and your mom far from what’s happening here.”

Misha wanted to jump at it, especially for her mom and Ciara’s sake. But at the same time, she felt like she’d been called to work with the low-income people living in that area of Atlanta, especially the women, children, and elderly people. To help those who might otherwise not try to get medical care.

But that ability was being hampered by the local gangs who threatened people who came to the clinic, simply because one of their doctors was related to the leader of a rival gang.

For not the first time, she had to fight anger that, of her two brothers, it was the one who had tried to steer clear of the gangs who’d ended up being killed by one. Since then, her other brother, Davontae Junior, had been on a rampage to avenge his younger brother’s death, and now she’d been dragged into it.

“Tell me about it,” she said, though it felt like admitting defeat to consider leaving the clinic where she poured her heart out to help people in need.

“It’s a family run clinic. They’re in need of a female doctor.”

“Where is it?” Misha asked.

“Northern Idaho.”

Misha frowned at him. “Do they even let Black people into Idaho?”

Doctor Martin chuckled, catching her humor like she’d known he would. “Pretty sure they do.”

“It’s cold there, isn’t it?” she asked. At his nod, she said, “I’m not sure I’m built for cold weather.”

“You should at least go for the interview. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised by what you find. A friend of mine in Seattle worked with the man who is heading up the clinic now and said that he’s a good doctor.”

Misha wanted to tell him she wasn’t interested, but instead, she just sat in silence.

“I know this isn’t what you envisioned for your work,” Doctor Martin said, his tone gentle. “But it’s not safe for you here. Not safe for your mom or Ciara, either.”

Though she wanted to deny it, Misha couldn’t. She didn’t feel safe at the clinic, and if she didn’t, then there was no way the patients did either, especially when gang members lingered nearby. It seemed that violence was inevitable if she didn’t leave.

“I know that your heart was to work in your community here in Atlanta, but you’re no use to anyone if you’re dead.” He paused, then added, “Your mom has already lost two children. Don’t let her lose a third.”

Technically, Davontae wasn’t dead, but he might as well be. In spite of her mom’s best efforts to raise her three children away from the gang culture that had killed her husband, Davontae had followed in his footsteps.

Things hadn’t been too bad until Raden had been shot. Angry and grieving, Davontae had then become the most feared gang leader in their area of Atlanta, so lesser gangs had switched their sights to her and the clinic where she spent most of her days.

“Okay. I’ll go to the interview.” It felt like admitting failure, even though it wasn’t because of her own actions that she needed to leave the clinic. “What will happen to you if Mom’s not here?”

Doctor Martin gave her a small smile. “If you three leave, I’ll be going as well. I’ve talked with the boys, and we’ve decided that I should join Matthew and his family in Arizona. The dry climate will be better for these old bones, I think.”

The man and his late wife had been so much more than her mom’s employer. They’d become family, and he’d paid her way through medical school. He’d also planned to pay for Raden’s education. Doctor Martin and his wife had supported them in ways that no one ever had.

It would be hard to leave that behind, but the man was right. Leaving Atlanta was the only way to ensure their safety. They’d already moved twice in the past year. This last time, they’d even gotten an apartment away from the community, only for gang members to still find them and spray paint graffiti on her car.

Doctor Martin had wanted them to move in with him, but her mom had balked at that, and Misha had felt the same. If anything happened to Doctor Martin, it would be devastating to them. So far, the gang members seemed focused on Misha, but if she moved into Doctor Martin’s home, that focus might expand.

Idaho was probably the last place anyone from the Atlanta gangs would think to look for her. It just frustrated and angered her that she had to go somewhere so much less diverse in order to find safety. And it was all because of Davontae. He’d put a target on her. If he hadn’t, they would have been able to continue to live in that neighborhood.

“Don’t tell Davontae where you’re going,” the doctor cautioned.

“He’ll come to you,” Misha replied.

“But I’ll be gone. When you and your mom leave, I leave.”

“Do I need to call someone to make arrangements?”

“I’ll have Steph make all the arrangements for you,” Doctor Martin said of his daughter-in-law, who worked as his assistant.