Page 127 of Jaylen

“Are we going somewhere specific?” Misha asked. “Or are we just going to walk all around the park?”

“I have a destination in mind,” Jay said. “You’ll just have to wait and see it when we get there.”

Thankfully, it wasn’t too far away. He led her onto a path that took them past more picnic areas, some playground equipment, and a couple of volleyball nets. All of them were filled with people out enjoying all that the park had to offer.

“Thanks for arranging this picnic,” Misha said. “I love hanging out with your family.”

“More than me?” Jay asked.

“Never more than you,” she told him, letting go of his hand so she could put her arm around his waist.

Jay looped his arm around her shoulders, holding her close as they continued to wander along the path, following behind people pushing strollers or just sauntering along like they were.

“I thought it would be good for Peyton to get used to being around you when there are people he already likes present too.”

“It’s good that they’re people I also like.”

“He’s asking questions already,” Jay told her. “But he doesn’t seem upset at the idea of us dating.”

“I’m glad. I don’t want to add to the turmoil in his life.”

As they neared their destination, Jay stepped to the side of the path, keeping himself between Misha and a pair of skateboarders who came whizzing by.

“Thank you,” Misha said.

“For what?” Jay asked as he guided her back onto the path that took them to a small set of stairs.

“For thinking about me.”

“You’re never far from my thoughts, beautiful,” Jay confessed as they walked down the stairs into the garden of beautifully blooming flowers that he’d wanted to show her. He guided her to another path to the right, where there was a little bit more privacy from the main path through the garden.

“That’s the same for me with you.” Misha lifted her hand to where his rested on her shoulder and intertwined her fingers with his. “But what I meant in this particular case was how you shorten your stride, so I don’t have to run to keep up with you. Or how you made sure that if those kids had run into us, they would have hit you first.”

As he turned to face her, Jay was grateful that there weren’t any people in the small section of the garden where they were. “I will always protect you. I know my actions haven’t exactly shown that because I did hurt you. But from this point on, I will always do my best to protect you. And as far as shortening my stride, well, it would be inconsiderate of me not to do that for you.”

“Not every guy would think about that,” Misha pointed out.

Jay shrugged. “Maybe. But that’s not who I am.”

“And I’m glad,” Misha said. “I know that you’ve struggled with how people have perceived you since Peyton’s appearance in your life, but I look at you and see the same man I fell in love with. A gentle man who cares deeply about the people around him. Whether that’s the teens you coach or your family, I see how much they all mean to you.”

Emotion clogged Jay’s throat as he listened to her words. They were a balm to the ache that still existed in his heart, an ache that hurt a little more whenever he saw the anger Janessa held toward him or the disappointment in Cole’s gaze.

Misha lifted her hand and rested it on his cheek. “You might not feel like it right now, but you are a man to be admired. Yes, you might have made mistakes in your past, but you stepped up to take care of a son you knew nothing about, even realizing the upheaval that action would create in your life. A less honorable man would have told Amberlyn to leave.”

Jay laid his hand on her hers, then turned his head to press a kiss to her palm before taking her hands in his. “I always want to be a man that you’re proud to be with. But all of this—along with some conversations with my parents—has helped me to see that I shouldn’t be striving to please them or even you. That the person I should strive to honor and glorify with my life is God. And in doing that, I’ll always make them proud, and hopefully you too.”

“I think, ultimately, how you’re handling things now is pleasing God.”

Jay hoped so. It had, in some respects, been freeing to realize that he didn’t need to focus on pleasing the people around him. If he sought to honor God with his actions, what people thought wasn’t important. There were moments when he wondered ifhe’d be able to do that—he was just a simple man trying to honor and please a magnificent God—but his parents had reminded him that God would help him.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

That was a verse from Philippians that he’d memorized as a kid, but it had taken on new meaning in the light of recent events. With Christ’s strength, he could do everything… including living his life in a way that was honoring to God.

“There’s no way I’m going to be able to help Peyton without God’s help, and the help of my family.”

“And me,” Misha said. “I’ll be there for you and Peyton however you need me.”