Page 69 of Jaylen

“Well, if you do have blisters, you can use me as an excuse to call in sick.”

“I won’t need to call in sick,” Misha said with a laugh as she relaxed back in her seat. “It’s definitely not that bad. Plus, I still have tomorrow off to recover.”

Having Mondays off would normally have meant not seeing Jay, but since she’d fallen into the routine of working out with him on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings, she still got to see him.

“Think you might like to go on another hike sometime?”

“I would. This was great.”

“Maybe next time we’ll leave the whiners at home,” Jay said.

“So just go with Gareth and Aria?”

“Yeah.” Jay’s gaze moved to the front windshield. “Or maybe just the two of us.”

“I’d like that.”

“Would you be interested in… going out for dinner or maybe to a movie sometime?”

Misha’s heart sped up as the meaning of his words sank in. “Just the two of us?”

“Yes.” He looked back at her. “Unless you’d prefer to go on a double date with Gareth and Aria.”

Misha grinned. “Nope. Nope. Just the two of us is fine.”

Jay smiled back, relief on his face, like he’d thought she might shoot down his invitation. That was never going to happen. She wanted a chance to spend more time with him in a setting where they could just focus on each other. On the two of them.

After agreeing to discuss their plans further during the week, Jay turned on the car and left the parking lot. Misha was disappointed that their time together was ending, but she also didn’t want to leave her mom alone with Ciara much longer. However, she knew her mom was going to be thrilled that she and Jay were finally going on a date.

This seemed like a natural progression in her life now that she was free from the stress of the past several years. She could only hope that her brother stayed far from their life there in Serenity.

It wasn’t that she never wanted to see him again. He’d always been good to her and her mom, taking care of them in a way that made sense to him. Unfortunately, they’d wanted him to care about them enough to quit the gang, but that was never going to be an option for him.

Misha didn’t know how they’d ever reconcile their new life with the one that Davontae led in Atlanta. They didn’t consider him dead to them, but it was hard to see how he might ever be part of their lives again, especially since they’d cut off contact with him.

Misha didn’t linger in the car too long once they got back to her place, not feeling that she needed to drag out their time together, now that she knew that they’d be going out again soon. Just the two of them.

Inside the townhouse, she found her mom giving Ciara a snack.

“How did it go, sweetie?” her mom asked. “You look like you had a good time.”

“I did.”

Misha took off her boots and set them on the rack by the door. She curled and relaxed her toes a couple of times. Her feet were definitely not happy with her. Ciara had crawled over to her, so Misha scooped her up and nuzzled her neck, making the baby squeal.

“Well, tell me how it went,” her mom said as Misha settled on the floor with Ciara in her lap.

“Gareth, Aria, and Janessa were there, and so was Will.” Misha smiled. “They loved your cookies. As usual.”

“I’m glad. I notice you don’t have the container.”

“I think most of the cookies were gone, but I forgot to get it back from Jay.”

“So was it nice?”

“It was. We walked through a forest, and it was so beautiful.” Misha cleaned a bit of mushed biscuit off Ciara’s cheek as she told her mom about the hike. “And then, after the others had left, Jay asked me on a date.”

“What?” Her mom clasped her hands together. “Really? You’re not just joking with me, right?”