Page 68 of Jaylen

Jay smiled. “Yeah. Maybe that.”

Though Misha had hoped that perhaps it would be just the two of them, she was enjoying this too. The more she saw Jay interact with others, the more it reinforced how she herself saw him. He must have some flaws, but she had yet to find any glaring ones.

She was quite sure that Janessa and Will would say that his focus on exercise and healthy eating was a flaw. She might have agreed if he tried to force everyone to be the same way, but he didn’t.

“Thanks for coming along today,” Jay said.

“I’m just glad you weren’t tired of spending time with me at work and at the gym.”

“That will never be the case,” Jay told her, his expression softening. “I enjoy the time we spend together. You’re very easy to be around.”

No one had ever told her that before, but then, she’d been a ball of tension and worry while living in Atlanta. Her friends had repeatedly told her she needed to chill out, and when she hadn’t, they’d gradually stopped inviting her to spend time with them.

“So are you.”

Was it coming across that she was flirting with him? She kind of hoped it was, because that’s definitely what she wanted to do.

When she glanced around at the others, she found them all watching her and Jay. Janessa and Aria smiled at her, while Will and Gareth looked to be more curious.

Misha uncapped her water and took a sip, a little unnerved to be the attention of Jay’s closest friends and family while she was attempting to flirt with him a little bit.

“More cookies?” she asked, holding out the container.

Janessa laughed as she got to her feet and came over to take it from Misha. “I’ll never say no to cookies.”

Janessa went around, offering them to the others. When she got to Will, she said, “Why don’t you take two? I know this was as much of a trial for you as it was for me, and I plan to eat two.”

“Thanks, Nessa,” Will said. “You’re a sweetie. Unlike your brother.”

“I bet Misha thinks he’s a sweetie,” Gareth said.

Misha choked on the swallow of water she’d just taken.

“I’m sure she does,” Aria said. “I also think he’s a sweetie. Just not as much of a sweetie as you, darling.”

She leaned her head against Gareth’s shoulder and looked up at him, fluttering her lashes.

Gareth laughed as he slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close. “Nice save.”

Misha liked seeing the pair together. From what she could see, it was a fun, loving relationship, which would be what she’d want in any relationship she had. Was that what Jay would want?

Since she hadn’t seen him interact with his previous girlfriend, Misha had no idea what they’d been like together. Maybe she should ask Janessa. It was already clear that Janessathought there was something between them, so she might understand Misha’s curiosity.

But that would definitely be a conversation for another day. Right then, she was just going to enjoy the moment.

She’d been unable to do that for much of her life because she’d always worried about what might be right around the corner. It had always robbed the joy from the moment.

Serenity was definitely living up to its name. The peace she’d found there had calmed her so that she could focus on the things that brought joy to her and those around her.

After she finished her cookie, Misha took another sip of her water, then they got ready to retrace their steps. The walk back to the cars seemed to fly by, and soon they were saying goodbye to the others.

Misha didn’t want the time with Jay to end, so she was glad when he didn’t immediately pull out of the parking lot once they’d gotten into his car.

“I really enjoyed that,” Misha said. “But I have to say, my feet will besoooglad to be out of these boots.”

Jay turned to look at her, resting his arm on the steering wheel. His brow was furrowed with concern. “I hope that you didn’t get any blisters. I should have been more mindful of that.”

“I don’t think I have blisters,” she assured him. “But my feet aren’t used to these types of shoes.”