Page 67 of Jaylen

“I vote we keep going,” Gareth said. “It’s so beautiful out today.”

“I’ll keep going if Gareth does,” Aria added.

“Of course you will,” Janessa said with a sigh. “I’ve lost my best friend to my brother. It’s so saaaaad.”

“You are such a drama queen,” Gareth said. “You still live with Aria.”


Misha wondered if an engagement was in their future. Well, she was actually pretty sure that it was in their future. How soon Gareth would propose was the question.

“So that’s three votes to keep going,” Jay said. “Misha?”

“I vote to keep going as well.”

“Will?” Jay called over his shoulder.

“I guess I can keep going if I get another cookie.”

“Well, sorry, Janessa. You are outnumbered.”

“Fine. But I want another cookie too.”

“Cookie now or later?” Misha asked as she tapped the container on the bench beside her.

“We’ll have another cookie when we reach our turnaround point,” Jay said.

Misha handed the container to him, but she held onto the water. Jay returned the stuff to his backpack, then they headed off down the trail again. They weren’t the only people out that day, and occasionally they stepped off the path to let others pass. They would exchange nods and smiles, but no one stopped them to chat.

They walked another twenty minutes, then stopped again. This time, there was no bench, but there were logs and stumps tosit on. It was a larger clearing than the previous spot, and there were other people taking advantage of it, too.

Jay sat down beside Misha on the log she’d chosen. “Doing okay?”

“I’m doing great. This doesn’t quite work up the sweat that the treadmill does, but the view is a hundred times better.”

“What?” Jay asked. “Are you saying that all this is better looking than me?”

Misha turned to stare at him for a moment, then laughed. “I was referring to the workout equipment and the mats. Not the people. Being out in the beautiful nature with you is the best of both worlds.”

“Now I feel better.”

“Somehow, I don’t think you really felt that bad.”

Jay grinned down at her as he lightly bumped his arm against hers. “I happen to agree with you. Being out here is definitely a step up from the gym.”

“Do you hike often?”

“Not so much in winter,” Jay said. “A lot of my time is tied up with basketball practices and games. Spring and fall are the times I like to hike the most since the days aren’t too warm. I do hike in summer, but not quite as much.”

“I’ve been introduced to so many things I didn’t know I’d enjoy until I came here,” Misha said. “Thank you for that.”

“You’re welcome. I’m all about helping people experience new things. Sometimes I have more success than others. I mean, it’s clear that I didn’t succeed with Janessa or Will.”

“Hey, they’re here, aren’t they?”

“I think that has more to do with your mom’s cookies than with them wanting to spend time outdoors.”

“Or maybe it’s both the cookies and spending time with people they like.”